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I say good bye quickly to them and run to the dance class.

"Kookie! Yoongi! Jimin! Tae! Oh tzuyu too! Jackson! Best class ever!"

I yell as each person walks into the class. The teacher walks in and has us sit on the floor. I sit next to tzuyu and shes happy to see that I want to be friends with her. She's wearing a light blue jacket and a light pair of jeans. She's so pretty.

Jackson and kook sat near me. Yoongi sat behind me

As the teacher tells us rules , he also told us that today is just talking about dance. Too bad. I wanted to dance today. That's fine. Anyhow, he just did attendance and blah blah blah.

"This must be your dorm mate"

Jungkook whispered to me

I nodded quickly. I plan to have everyone meet at some point.

"Kook meet tzuyu! We'll have time for that later."

"Ok so now.. I must talk about the how we grade in this class"

The teacher continues

I'm so curious actually

"We must get into groups everyday. It can be different groups or the same groups. It doesn't matter."

He continued.

"I grade how well you cooperate and how you grow over the year. You'll do great everyone. Now, you may not know everyone in here, and I'm not one to do the stupid 'go around the class and say one thing about yourself' thing but.. we must"

Shit I hate that. I wrap my arm around jungkooks arm.

"Alright. Anyone want to start?"

"She's dying to start"

I look to yoongi who spoke up. He's POINTING AT ME

"Alright. You're up miss (l/n)"

Shit yoongi why. I look at him and glare at him, giving him a dirty look. I slowly stand to my feet and look to tzuyu. She silently claps for me, giving me a boost of confidence.

"Um hi. I'm (y/n) (l/n) -"

But before I can continue I'm interrupted by a shriek

"YEAH let's go (y/n)!!!!!"


I smile worriedly at him who's smiling wide

"I moved in pretty early and I um.. I've been dancing since I was 9"

"Pft. I've been dancing since 9 months. Only professionals allowed in here, get out"

I over hear someone. I look and see a girl. Seemed bitchy.

I finish and Tzuyu and my friends clap for me so it wasn't awkward and I sit back down.

"I'll go"

I look and it's the bitchy girl.

"I'm sana. I've been dancing for as long as I can remember. I've won many competitions and plan to move up in the ring and beat down anyone who stand up against me"

She looks at me and smiles and looks to her friend and sits down. People slowly clap, obviously taken back by her scary words.

"Anyone else"


Jungkook jumps up, startling me

"I'm jungkook, people call me kook. I only think it matters how long anyone here has Been dancing. We are all good in our own ways and we are all here to lear so no one should act better because their obviously not"

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