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-jimin pov-

I saw them two talking together. Walking around the campus. I go back to my bed and lay down with a big sigh

"What's wrong"

I hear taehyung ask as he puts his phone down. I just grunt in response

"So you have everything for school?"

I nod. Then it went quiet. I grab my phone and click it on. No texts. I sigh internally and close my eyes and turn my face to the wall to take a nap

-taehyung pov-

Jimin hasn't been acting himself. We made up and we're best friends again but.. he's not himself.

I grab my phone again

Tae/: hey (y/n)

Her/: hi

Tae/: what's up?

Her/: I'm just getting my school things together. Sorry to cut this off fairly quick but I gonna go get things ready for tomorrow

Tae/: oh that's alright I'll see you tomorrow :)

I click my phone off, sad that we couldn't talk more.

-your pov-

I sit on my bed and take a sigh of relief. All of my things are together. All my books notebooks binders and all that shit.

Suddenly a knock at my door.

I open the door to see jungkook with a smile on his face. I smile back. He looks at me up and down and smiles more

"Whatcha up to"

He asks cutely. I shrug and point to my messy desk filled with supplies for school

"Getting ready for tomorrow"

He nods and licks his lips. He then looks at me with a cute smirk and he's eyeing me. It makes me blush. I put my hand on my red cheek and look down

"So I'm guessing you're not doing anything right now?"

He asks tilting his head a small amount. I shake my head trying to keep in my smile.

"Well, ladies first"

He bows for me to walk outside in front of him. I didn't mind going out right now. Usually I'd be annoyed with all of this attention but .. let's see what happens. I walk out and close the door behind me, he then walks next to me.

"I hope we have a lot of classes together"

I tilt my head down and smile

"Me too. You're gonna have to help me with dance"

He stops in his tracks. I stop and look at him worriedly. Did I say something I shouldn't have?

"I thought you'd never ask! I'll help you with anything you need ok? We can be homework buddies and do homework together after school"

"Sounds like a plan haha"

I smile and keep walking

"We should go to the park"

I nod my head in agreement


We go to the park and talk and he chased me at one point. It was a fun time. But once the sun started to go down, I suggested we go home. He agreed

The sunsets orange light was glowing on his skin. His clear and beautiful skin. His brown eyes shine brighter like fire. It made me feel warm inside. His little smile kept my lips curved upwards

We got my dorm room and realized something I haven't before

"Woah. Since when did everyone arrive?"

I saw all of the dorms room lights on and all the parking spots filled. All the girls moved in. I knew most of the boys moved in already.

"Probably earlier today. You were probably thinking too much about school to even realize."

"So I don't have a room mate yet?"

I ask, looking into my untouched dorm. He chuckles

"Maybe you're one of the lucky ones who doesn't have a dorm mate"

I was relived but sad. I wanted someone to share this experience with but maybe I won't get to have one.

"If you ever get loney, come over to our place"

He smiles and looks down to the ground. I smile and push my hair behind my ear

"Well I'll be going. I'll see you tomorrow"

"Bye kookie"

He smiles wide and waves and continues to his dorm

I go to my room after closing the door and then change into my pajamas and watch Netflix til 10 rolled around then went to sleep.




In the middle of the night I hear banging and loud noises, what the actual hell us going on! I turn my light on and look towards the door and see a cute looking girl throwing her things in  the door and worriedly come in. As soon as she sees me, her eyes go wide


"Um hi!"

She starts. She walks over to my bed and extends her hand out to mine and grabs it.

"I'm your dorm mate. I'm super sorry I'm late. I had one hell of a day. I'm sorry I woke you. I will unpack in the dark. You get some sleep. Oh! I'm tzuyu!"

I was so speechless that I almost didn't say anything back.

"I'm (y/n) nice to meet you. It's ok"

I say with a smile. Even though it was a ride awakening, I feel like this will be an amazing friendship

I woke up super tired because of Tzuyu.. I looked up and her things were everywhere. I smiled. That's exactly what I wanted in a room mate. She was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake her. I was super excited but nervous. I got up and changed into black skinny jeans and a camo shirt with a black sweatshirt over it, unzipped. I brush my teeth and hair and do my make up quickly. Green eyeshadow to compliment my shirt.

I grab all of my books and deep breaths.... time for my first day of college. My schedule is supposed to change everyday so let's see what today holds

A knock on my door makes me rush to open it. Surprisingly it was yoongi.

"Shhh! You'll wake my dorm mate!"

"You have a dorm mate?" He asks confused

I nodded happily

"Since when"

"1 am...... lets go"

I closed the door behind me, making sure I grabbed everything and rushed to the cafe. I was feeling so happy today. I have a dorm mate! I have so many friends! It's the firsts day!

It was 7 so we had an hour to eat.

Me and yoongi dad down with out breakfast. Suddenly a tap on my shoulder. It was jungkook. He sat on next to me as yoongi sat across from me. I had a blueberry muffin and orange juice.

We had small talk about my night last night. And how tzuyu came very late and woke me.


The bell rang for class to start

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