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I whimper.

"Hey let me in."

I open the door and wrap my arms around his torso

"What's wrong?"

He says worriedly, wrapping his arms around my waist. He grabs my shoulders and shifts my position so I face him. I keep my head down. I don't want to look at him.

"Nothing. I'm fine. I'm fine"

I lie. I can't tell him. Why would I? That's insane.

"Tae I think I wanna go home"

"Ok ok. That's no biggy"

He hugs me one last time before grabbing my hand and slightly pulling me out of the bathroom and towards the door.

"Let's go"

We grabbed all our things and went to the front desk and paid for our room and left.

It was silent. Too silent. He knew something was off. I knew he knew something was off.


"its fine "

He interrupted me. He knew it wasn't good.

We sat and waited for the train. Even though he was mad at me ( I could tell) , he put his arm around me and hugged me.


So much for that trip.

We got back to campus

With out a single word spoken

How awful. I ruined everything.

I felt emotions build up inside of me. I feel like I dont belong here with him. Why does he want me.

"Thank you Tae for this trip and I'm sorry I ruined it. I'm sorry I ruin everything. I'm- I'm sorry"

I say before wiping my eyes dry and rushing away before he could say anything.


I hear him call after me. But I kept running to my dorm room. I can't look at his innocent face. I can't be with him right now.

I get to my room and slam the door behind me

What had happened to me?

Taehyung. I've missed him for so long. Jimin. I thought I'd give him a chance. But what have I done to think like that? I'm so dumb. I'm so stupid and I'm so mad at myself

-knock knock-

What the fuck is it now. Tae I can't see you right now.


What IS IT? I said I don't wanna see you!!

I swing the door open with tears streaming down my face and I see a figure standing there but then suddenly everything went black. A bag was put over my head.

"What-! "

Then I was hit over the head. I blacked out



We were having a great time. Then she told me to stop. Something must've happened. We don't speak a word. I wonder what happened. She ran to her dorm. I tried to stop her but I know when to leave her alone.

I went to my dorm room and met up with the others.

"Your back late"

Mentions Jin. I nod as I look at the clock. Wow. It was late 3 am

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