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Mark's POV
I crept through the dark empty house. The walls were damp and moldy. Giant holes broke through most of them and revealed blood covered rooms. I stepped over the body of a dead and continued down the dimmed hall. A small broken window at the end of the hall cast light into the area, making everything just visable though the early morning light.

I came to an open door and saw something hunched over a body on the ground. I pulled out my gun, thinking it was one of them, but froze when the figure shot up and raised a knife. They stopped when they saw my gun and just stared at me. Tears staining their face.

I looked at the females body laying lifeless on the floor, covered in blood, and the body of a dead with its skull smashed in a few feet away. I quickly put the peices together and realised the female must have been a friend or loved one to the male infront of me.

I gave him a sympathetic look as their arm dropped and the fell back against the wall, sliding down to the floor. He pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them, hugging them close to him. He buried his head into his knees so only the mess of his green hair could be seen.

I contemplated leaving him for death but then that would make me a horrible human. In a world like this you have to rely on other people quite a lot. Maybe this guy can help me. I'll have to find a way to get him to come with me but how?

"I was going to ask her," the man suddenly said. His voice had a thick accent in it. Irish maybe. He lifted his head up and looked at something in his open hand. A ring. He was going to propose.

"But then this happened," he growled as ne threw the ring across the room. It clanged against the wall and clattered against the floor. I watched as it rolled in a circle then fell on its side and stopped. I looked back at the man to see more tears running down his face. He reminded me of the time Amy passed away. I needed to help him.

"Hey ah, I know this is probably not a good time or sircumstance but, I know how it feels to loose someone you love and if you want to talk about it, I'm here. I know I'm just a stranger but I'll listen to whatever you want to say," I offered.

He looked at me skeptically. It looked like he was going to spill every secret in his head at that instant but he didn't. He remained silent as he climbed to his feet and walked up to me.

"I-I appreciate that, you trying to help but... I don't think I'll be able to tell you any think at the moment. Not after it just happened and not with us being strangers and all. But thanks for trying to help," he said with a forced smile. I nodded as he returned to the other side of the room and picked up a bag.

"Uh... do you know any places I could get supplies at? Or maybe a good place to stay for a while without having to worry so much?" I asked. He turned to face me, an eyebrow raised.

"No matter where you go you'll have to worry about those things and other people," he stated. I nodded, agreeing to his statement.

"I know, but it's good to get a break every now and then. Traveling alone means you don't have someone else there to keep watch while you sleep or help look for supplies. It makes it harder fo live really," I said with a shrug.

The man nodded slowly, thinking off what I had said. He looked at the dead body once more, his eyes filling with sorrow. He closed them and looked away, taking a deep breath as he did.

"I need to bury her," he said quietly. I then remembered seeing a shovel out the front as I came in.

"There's a shovel out front. You can use that. I can help you if you need it," I offered. I know being so nice to this stranger might be a stupid thing to do in a world like this but I couldn't care any less right now.

"Thanks," He mumbled, slowly walking past me and down the hall. The sun had risen a little more and the once dim hall now had orange and red colours cast down it. It made it easier to see and I now saw that the dead body I had stepped over had an axe sticking out of its head; dark oozing blood still pouring out of its skull.

"This your doing?" I asked, motioning to the axed creature. The male looked at it and nodded.

"Yeah. I was in too much of a rush to pull it out though," He said dully. "You can grab it. I'm not good with it anyway. Only thing I could grab."

I watched him walk away before grabbing the handle of the axe and pulling it out with one swift movement. The weight felt balance in my hand. I could use this when in close range with those things.

The man walked back in with the shovel in his hand. He looked up at me skeptically as I held the axe. I decided to lower it to seem more friendly and gave him a warm smile.

"I'm Mark. What's your name?" I asked calmly. He looked at me in silence before walking past me out the back yard. I let out a quiet sigh and followed him. I did say I would help after all. I watched as he began to dig a grave in silence. Then he said a single word.


Ok, so this is after Felix and Cry first met Jack and Signe but now it's obvious what happened to her. And so the new book begins.

Survive It All (Septiplier) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now