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Mark's pov
I crouched lower to try and hide from the danger ahead of me. I wasn't sure if I should do this or not but I'm here now, no turning back. And if this is the only way to help comfort the one I love the most then I'll do it no matter what.

Jack was still at home safely sleeping but I decided to go searching for those people myself. He'd already told me what they looked like and the area he'd seen them in last so I knew what I was searching for.

I just didn't want him getting in trouble if they recognized him and tried to attack him since he had turned them down yesterday. I didn't know how they'd react to seeing him so i may as well just not let them see him at all.

"There's gotta be supplies somewhere. Tyler is sick and needs medicine," a deep voice said, sounding frustrated yet scared.,

"Calm down Luke. It's okay, we'll find something soon," a softer, calmer voice comforted.

"You've been saying that since those men left us yesterday. Why didn't we just follow them to their base. We could have begged for supplies. It's not like we can do anything to harm them. We're down to the last gun and a bunch of blunt knives. We aren't going to make it anywhere!" The deeper voice shouted angrily, only to be shushed by the softer voice.

"Tyler is sleeping and you might attract the dead. Let's just... I don't know. I'm just trying to be optimistic," the soft voice sad, a sadness entering him calm tone. I peered through the bushes to see two men fitting the description of some of the people Jack had described and a small tent to the side of them. That must be where the other is.

One of them was wearing a red hoodie with the hood up. Two little red horns stuck out on the hoodie. The other was wearing a grey hoodie with long bunny ear sticking out and a grey cloth that covered his eyes. An ohm symbol was printed in the center of the cloth and on the chest of his jumper. (kinda like up top)

I got up, keeping a distance away from them as I made my way forward. I was trying to keep quiet but of coarse, I tripped on a brunch and fell face first into the dirt. Just my luck right. Both men turned to me, the man with a red hoodie aiming a gun at me. I sat up and slowly raised my hands.

"I'm not gonna hurt anyone. I brought you supplies," I said cautiously.

"How did you know we needed supplies?" The red hooded man growled.

"Well, you were just shouting it at the top of your lungs," I pointed out, not wanting them to know where I'm from.

"And you just happen to have supplies to give to us?" The man spat, but also seemed interested in my words.

"Well, not on me. They're a little way back in a house I've been staying at. I haven't been there long but I might have what you need. Medicine?" I tried to persuade. The mans eyes flickered at my final word and he turned to his friend, not lowering the gun.

"We need this Luke. Don't let this chance slide," bunny ears begged. The armed man let out a sigh and lowered the gun.

"What's your name?" The friendlier one asked.

"Mark, yours?" I asked in return.

"Ohm, and this is Cartoonz," he said kindly. Funny, wasn't his name Luke? "Nick names." Ohm cleared up my thoughts. I nodded and climbed to my feet, dusting off some dirt and leaves.

"So where's the supplies?" Cartoonz asked eagerly.

"I'll show one of you cause I'm not sure if you want to leave your friend alone in there," I said, making sure if I needed to escape then I wouldn't be out numbered. Cartoonz didn't seem happy and the way his eyes narrowed told me he thought I was trying to pull something. Probably thinks I'm going to try and take them out one by one.

"How do we know you aren't just going to lead him to a gang of people then come back for us later?" He asked.

"Well, I can give you my word. It's whether you believe me or not that counts," I said with a shrug. He turned to his friend, silently discussing it through eye contact. I rubbed my wrist, that I hurt when I fell, to sooth the pain.

"I'll be fine Toonz. You know I can handle myself," Ohm spoke up. Before the other could object Ohm was standing in front of me. I took an instictive step back as a safety precaution. "Just stay in front of me where I can see you and don't try anything."

I nodded and slowly backed up a few steps before turning around and heading into the trees a little. I stopped when I realised Ohm wasn't following and turned to see him giving Cartoonz a hug before catching up to me. We began walking again and were soon at the house I'd left the supplies I'd brought.

"Just in here. I hid them so no one would find them," I said, stepping inside the small run down house. Ohm followed close behind me, looking around with precaution.

"You're friends with that green haired guy aren't you?" Ohm asked, making me freeze in place.

"What makes you think that?" I asked cautiously, facing him.

"Don't worry, I won't tell the others and I won't try to hurt you. We need those supplies more than we need more enemies. And to answer your question, I saw you searching around town a while back. It's why I came along with you. Because even though the others turned us down, you came to help. He felt bad didn't he," Ohm said knowingly. I nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I know the feeling. Tell him I said thanks for everyone will you?" Ohm asked.

"I will."

Sorry this is so late. I had to deal with wattpad being an ass and the wifi being turned off and all sorts of bull shit. But it's up now so enjoy or not. What ever you want.

Survive It All (Septiplier) [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora