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Felix's pov (I know I said I wouldn't but I'm a rebel to my own rules)
Me and Jack headed out for our search. I had my cross bow, since I could use that better than a bow, my arm blade thingy I had gotten with Cry and a few extras; such as my throwing knives and such, . Jack had a three-quarter sword, pistols, a shot gun and also some extras.

(Don't go by the image up top cause I'm not). We were both wearing black hoodies but mine had blue stripes down the sleeves and along the rim of the hoodie while his had a neon green. It wasn't entirely a good choice for stealth but I didn't question it. He wore dark blue jeans while I wore black to match my jumper. (And fuck describing shoes cause I really don't care. TAKE THAT BITCHES!)

As we were leaving Mark ended up coming back with people though. I was cautious of the people, recognising the symbol burned into the wrist of one of them. They were from the bandit camp the killed so many of ours. But there was only three of them and the one with the symbol looked extremely sick.

"Mark!" Jack called, running over to him and embracing him.

"Well, I brought them supplies like you wanted but I just couldn't leave them out there by themselves like that. Let's just hope Scott doesn't freak out over it," Mark said.

"Scott's drunk off his mind the asshole. I'm unsure about Snake though. Russ is with Red since she's close to labor now. Not really anyone to object. As long as they're willing to keep the peace then they can stay in the house down the street until Scott gets some brains together. Take him to Mary and Ken so she can heal him up first though," I said, taking leadership.

"Really? Scott, drunk? That's a surprise. He doesn't usually get so reckless," Mark said in disbelief.

"He blames me for Cry. Son of bitch," I said truthfully. Mark remained silent as he nodded and led the people inside, heading to Mary's house. I waved to the guard on duty and me and Jack got into the truck, driving towards the city.

~a few hours of driving later~

We arrived at the city and parked a little way out as to not attract any noise. We made our way down the abandoned streets, not a single zombie in sight. We still kept our guard up none the less.

"HEEEEELLLLPPPPP!!!!!!" A scream suddenly broke the silence. It sounded male and came from a few blocks away. Me and Jack quickly broke into a run to try and see who it was but also kept low so we weren't spotted.

As we rounded a corner we saw more than a dozen zombies crowded around two men on top of a truck. One looked injured as the other tried to keep the snapping monsters away.

Before I could react, Jack was racing forward with his sword drawn. He sliced through three zombies without loosing his speed or balance. He stabbed and sliced his way through before he jumped onto the truck with the men.

I snapped back to reality as a zombie lunged towards me. I quickly raised my cross bow and shot it straight through the head, reloading in an instant. I fired a few more arrows before running forward and using my arm blade. Anything that came near was sliced into pieces.

I'd managed to clear a whole side of the truck before I felt something grab my from behind. I held back a scream as nails dug into my neck and scratched at my skin. I spun around and swung my arm at the gargling creature, beheading it.

"Is everyone alright?" Jack's voice came. I quickly pulled my hood up to hide the scratches and turned to the strangers.

"We are now thanks to you two. You make in awesome team," one of them said. He seemed to have an English accent.

"Well that's good to know, first time teaming up," I said with a smile.

"What are your names?" Jack asked politely.

"I'm Dan, and this is Phil. He needs medical attention though," Dan said, sounding some what tired but mostly concerned for his friend. I nodded and instantly jumped onto the truck to check out his injury, that was very familiar to me.

"He slipped and cut it on glass didn't he? Cut it on the way down?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Phil asked sheepishly.

"I had a friend that did the exact same," I said monotonously. They didn't ask any more questions about that.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Jack and that's Felix. Can't be rude now can we?" Jack said with a laugh.

"Well, you guys did save our lives so do what ever you want. We're in your debt," Dan said.

"Trust me, you owe us nothing. We've killed more than we've saved so just be glad we came running," I said, pulling out some rags and tightly wrapping Phil's leg. He winced in pain and let out a hiss.

"Sorry, but it will hurt quiet a bit," I apolagised. He nodded, still wincing, and squeezed Dan's hand. I noted how close they were together and saved it as a mental note for later.

"You will need to wrap that up properly later but that will do for now. We'll take you back to our base once we find what we're looking for here," I said.

"What are you looking for?" Phil asked as Dan helped him off the truck.

"Medical supplies. Supplies in general. The area we're in is running a little low now and we need more," Jack said, searching around.

"There's a hospital further down the street for medical supplies and a giant mall a little further from that. But both have quite a few biters inside," Phil informed.

"Biters? We call them Zombies," I said. They both nodded with acknowledgment.

"That sounds cool. And we can help you get inside if you need. Phil can hack the computer systems in both buildings and reboot the emergency power supply and start up the cameras. I can help lead you to places where supplies should be but we need something to get away quickly if stuff go wrong. Our truck is kind of fucked," Dan said.

"We have a truck just out of town we could use. I'll bring it closer if that's needed before we go in," Jack offered.

"That would be good. We need supplies as well any way to make sure Phil's leg doesn't get infected. We have the top three floors cleared in the hospital and were working our way down because we couldn't do the bottom floor by ourselves. It's packed down there," Dan said.

"And that's mostly where the things we need are kept. Dammit, we'll just have to search patient rooms and see," I said with annoyance.

"Calm down Felix. We'll get him what he needs. I'll go get the truck and try to bring it here quietly. Phil, can you try to hack and reboot the systems while I'm gone?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, my laptops in the truck. I'll get right to it," Phil said, Dan helping him into the truck.

"Alright, watch your back. I'll be right back."

Yea yea I know. You're screaming aren't you.

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