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Jack's pov
I watch Felix and Cry go out every time. They always leave in a different direction but the time stays the same. They leave just after breakfast and return at lunch. Sometimes they go after lunch and come back before dinner but it's mostly in the morning.

They'd occasionally bring Ellie with them but not today. They went alone today saying they're 'scavenging' but what's left to scavenge? I'm pretty sure they've searched most of this area already and will need to be gone at least a few days to actually find anything.

It's coming up to lunchtime and they still aren't back though. Maybe they are searching further or they found something big they need to carry back. Maybe. But something tells me that's not the case. Something tell me they're in trouble. Maybe it's that mysterious black truck off in the distance. It's driving away from the base but I doubt it didn't know it was here.

"What are you looking at babe?" Mark's voice softly whispered into my ear.

"I was watching for when Felix and Cry come back but they haven't and that truck over there seems out of place. I didn't see it drive through the town but it seems to be in a rush to leave," I pointed out. He squinted at the truck through his glasses and frowned.

"We should tell Scott or Russ about it. They need to know about it," he said but his voice showed concern. I know he was thinking the same thing I was. If Felix and Cry weren't back yet them maybe they were in that truck.We quickly rushed over to Scott's house but bumped into Russ on the way.

"Woah there you two. What's the rush?" He asked.

"Well, I saw a black truck driving away in the distance and thought I should tell you or Scott," I said quickly.

"Hold on hold on. A black truck?" He asked confused but realisation flooded his face. "Are Felix and Cry back yet?"

"No, that's why we're concerned. Did they abandon us?" Mark asked.

"Not abandon," Russ said before turning on his heels and running to Scott's house. We quickly followed to try and figure out what had happened.

"Scott! We have a problem!" Russ said desperately, grabbing onto Scott's shoulders.

"What? What's wrong?" Scott asked, looking at us quickly before looking at Russ again.

"Arin's back. They saw a black truck heading away and Felix and Cry aren't back yet," Russ said quickly. Scott immediately turned to us with wide eyes.

"Are you sure it was black?" Scott asked, worry clear on his face.

"Ah, yeah. It was leaving off to the east," I said, giving more information.

"Shit!" Scott yelled.

"We don't know if they took them or if it is Arin. We should wait until sundown to send out a search. We know where he is already and I doubt he'll leave that place. There isn't another facility big enough to keep everyone and the ones that don't make it," Russ said, a serious tone in his fearful voice.

"We don't have enough people or weapons to rescue them. We barely made it out last time. Remember the state Cry was in?" Scott asked. Russ fell silent, his expression dropping and his eyes turning to the floor.

"I remember. He's my best friend. How can I not remember?" His tone was lower than usual and his usual cheerful attitude was long gone.

"I'm sorry Russ. But maybe if he hadn't have gone galavanting off with Felix all the time then maybe they wouldn't have been taken. But we'll wait until sun down; if they aren't back by then I'll try and get in contact with Danny again. He might still be using the same radio chanel. If he hasn't seen them then they aren't there," Scott said, his voice sad but bitter.

"Don't blame any of this on Felix. He's a good person. You just need to see that," Russ said before leaving the room. I stood still, trying to figure out what had happened to Cry last time. What did they mean by last time?

"Why is that truck so dangerous?" Mark asked. I looked at him quickly before looking back at Scott for a response.

"Let's just say a very bad man we've previously encountered uses a black truck," Scott said.

"What happened to Cry last time?" I dared to ask. Scott's face fell blank, only his eyes showing his mixed emotions.

"That's for Cry to tell you. If he's okay. You two should go back to your house. I heard Ken and Russ were able to find the last things needed to recolour your hair. They should be with Snake if you still want to do it," Scott said, motioning us away.

We slowly walked out and he closed the door behind us. When I turned around Snake was standing directly in front of us, making me jump. I took a moment before recomposing myself and looked up at him.

"Ah, hey Snake. We were just going to see you," I said shyly. Snake always kinda put me on edge since he never really said anything, he just looked or pointed. I think I've only heard him speak a few times before.

"I heard the conversation and I know it's not good but you two don't need to worry okay. We'll handle it. As for your hair stuff, I've already passed it on to Krism," He said. I was shocked he'd said so much.

"T-thanks," I stuttered out. Mark gently grabbed my hand behind our backs to help steady me. I gave him a thankful smile before turning back to Snake. "Remember, we're friends of Cry and Felix too. If they are in danger, we want to help."

"I know. But sometimes the best thing to do is let fate take its role," Snake said before heading into Scott's room, closing the door. I thought about what he said for a moment before smiling. Felix was right, he does give good advice.

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