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Jack's pov
I woke up feeling numb. The only feeling in my body being the pain coming from my arm. I rubbed the bandages wrapped tightly around my wrist and sat up. I took a deep breath and looked around the small room I was in.

"Oh good. You're up," Mark's voice came as he stepped into the room.

"Yeah, just woke up," I yawned.

"There's something downstairs for you to eat. Let me see your wrist first though. I didn't get a proper look before wrapping it up last night," Mark said calmly. I nodded hesitantly and allowed him to gently unwrap the bandages.

Once all the fabric had been removed I could see the dark blue and purple covering my hand. The bruising reached all around my wrist and across some of my hand. I hissed slightly when Mark poked it lightly.

"Sorry. It doesn't look like anything is broken though. Just a really bad sprain and a lot of bruising," Mark said, softly running his hand across my skin. The touch of his cold figures soothed the pain a little and made it a little more bearable.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"What for?" He asked, surprised by my words.

"For coming back. For looking after me. For all I know you're just going to leave me later," I said, looking away in slight shame.

"Jack, do you honestly think I would do that?" He asked with a quiet chuckle.

"I don't know," I mumbled.

"Don't worry Jack. I'm not one of those people. And trust me, if I was gonna leave you I would've already. You were out for a while," He chuckled.

"Wait what? How long have I been put for?" I asked desperately.

"Most of the day. We'll stay here again tonight, we have plenty of supplies and you need the rest. Besides, I don't think either of us want to travel at night after last night," Mark said kindly.

"Oh, okay," I said meekly.

"Don't worry. There isn't any dead around and we should be getting closer to that place you said you knew," He said, wrapping my hand up again. I forgot about that. The safe place Signe wanted to go to. Food, supplies and protection from everything outside. I decided to go there for her, to say we made it together. I kept the ring Felix had given me as a reminder of both his kindness and her love.

"Oh yeah, where are we currently?" I asked, looking around a little.

"We're in a mansion a distance from that forest you tripped in. You collapsed from the pain. I carried you upstairs so nothing could get us," Mark said, not taking his eyes off my arm as he continued to wrap up my arm.

"I guess that's another thing to thank you for," I mumbled.

"Nah, don't worry about appolagising. You're light anyway. You should probably eat more," Mark said, finally looking up as he finished.

"I'm not hungry," I lied. I've been hungry for a while now but I don't want to eat anything incase we run out of supplies. We don't have that much left. I've been sneaking everything back since I ran into Mark.

"Don't lie Jack. I know you haven't eaten at all since I met you. I don't know how long you've gone without food before that but it isn't healthy. If you don't eat then you won't make it to the safe place alive," Mark said sternly but gently.

"It doesn't matter," I muttered, getting up to leave but he grabbed my good arm.

"Look, I know you technically don't know me enough to trust me but I still care about your safety. I'm not one of those horrible people that loose all care for things when everything goes to shit," Mark said concerned now. "Please eat something."

"You don't know me so you can't tell me what to do," I said bitterly. I don't know why I was angry at Mark but him telling me what to do was not okay with me. I don't care if he's concerned for my safety; he can't tell me what to do.

"Jack! I didn't mean it that way," Mark called out but I didn't reply. I wasn't going to let him get to me that easily. I didn't have to even talk to him.

"Jack I just said you need to eat something. Jack. JACK! SEAN!" I froze at the name. My real name. How did he know my real name? I slowly turned to him with anger.

"How the fuck did you find out my real name?!" I growled.

"I found your id card in your bag. I had to make sure you weren't some fraud. You know, I was so tempted to leave when I found out your names didn't  match," He shot.

"So why didn't you?" I spat sourly.

"Because I know you're not. I know you're not bad. Bad people don't cry when someone dies. Bad people don't spend all day burying someone. They don't Jack. I know they don't," He said, his tone faulting near the end.

"That doesn't give you the right to use my real name. Don't ever use it again!" I growled, my anger overpowering my sympathy.

"I won't. I just needed your attention so I could talk to you," Mark said calmly. How does he get so calm so easily? It drives me crazy.

"Good. And I don't want to talk," I said, turning around and walking away again.

"Then at least eat and you won't have to talk to me again. If I know you're eating then I don't have a problem," Mark said, still sounding calm.

"Why do you want me to eat so fucking badly?" I asked, spinning around on my heals. He had only taken a single step forward, staying at the far end of the hall.

"You're my guide. If you die then I don't know where I'm going now do I?" He pointed out.


Yeah, you do as you're told bitch

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