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Jack's pov
I apologized to Minx for being such a dick. She still doesn't trust me but neither do I honestly. I don't know how to think or feel anymore. I just do whatever I'm told to so I don't cause any more trouble. I don't want to hurt anyone.

"Guys. There may or may not be a heard of dead coming right for us," Krism said quickly as she came back from scouting back behind us.

"Wait what?" Mark asked, jumping down from the top of a car he had been standing on.

"Yeah. There's got to be hundreds of them heading in a giant cluster straight towards us. We need to go and now," Krism said, quickly grabbing all her stuff.

"Are you sure it's coming towards us? Maybe we can hide in one of these houses until they all pass," Minx tried to say as she overlooked all the run down and broken houses around us.

"No, we need to leave Minx. We can't stay here or we'll die," Krism said. She was clearly scared from the tone in her voice but doing her best to hide it on her face.

"Wheither there's a lot coming for us or not, we still need to head north to find that other base. If Krism says there's a giant herd coming then I believe her. I don't entirely want to try and hide anything out in these houses," I said truthfully. Minx gave me a kind of half glare before sighing, realising me and Krism were right.

"Fine. We'll leave. I just think we need to scout this place out-," Minx began but Krism cut her off.

"Look around Minx. There's nothing here. I know you want to get more supplies but this place has been looted long ago." Minx looked at Krism blankly for a moment before nodding. We all quickly began walking through the town; heading towards the north side. I glanced over my shoulder as we walked up a steep hill and gasped.

"What is it Jack?" Mark asked, turning around when I stopped. Minx and Krism stopped next to see what we were looking at. A distance from the town was the herd. But the worst part was that the heard was almost the size of the town and no doubt will get bigger as more dead join in.

"Holy shit. You weren't lieing when you said there was hundreds," Minx said shocked.

"I told you. Now let's go. I don't want to see what happens when they catch up," Krism said desperately. We all turned and began to run up the rest of the hill. We quickly made it to the top and continued running away from the large cluster of undead people that slowly lingered towards us.

~time skip a few days cause I don't know what to write as a fill in and it's the middle of the night so fuck it~

"Why would they leave a perfectly good place with walls?" Mark asked as we looked at the large walls that appeared to surround a section of a small town.

"Maybe they knew the heard was coming and knew the walls wouldn't hold up against it," Krism said in thought.

"Either way we aren't getting in. The best we can do is keep going and hope for the best," Minx said, rubbing her tired face. We haven't gotten much time to sleep since the stress of staying in front of the herd has put everyone on edge.

"Yeah. Maybe we can catch up with the people that made this all," I said, trying to be optimistic.

"Or not. I mean, they could be dead but let's hope for the best," Minx said, making my hopes drop a lot. I didn't say anything as I looked over at Mark. We've been talking a bit more lately and I've really opened up to him. He usually starts the conversations and I just talk back, feeling bad if I don't. But this time I wanted to speak first since the girls had walked ahead of us a bit.

"Hey, why is your head so big?" I said with a smirk. He turned to my with the most unimpressed expression I'd ever seen.

"Really? Out of all the things you could have started with you say that?" He said, holding his expression but adding a bored tone to it.

"Ahhhh, yeah," I said awkwardly. "Look, I don't really do this whole conversation thing okay."

"I can tell," Mark said, him smirking this time.

"Hey, I tried okay. I'm sorry your bog ass head was the first thing that came to mind," I defended.

"Hey you ass!" He shot, shoving me a little.

"What? It's true. I'm surprised you don't keep a hot air ballon hidden in their," I teased.

"Oh, sarcasm now. That's a new achievement," Mark teased this time.

"Who said it was sarcasm?" I said in a serious tone. Confusion crossed Mark's face before it quickly turned into realisation and he punched me playfully.

"You're mean," He pouted. I chuckled and shoved him a little as well.

"Truth hurts doesn't it," I said giggling as he pretended to be offended.

"You take that back young man," He said in an old grandma's voice. I laughed again and tried to gold a serious face.

"No. You need to know the truth and I told it to you," I said, failing with my expression as I cracked out laughing again.

"Stop making so much noise you two!" Minx called back to us.

"Stop being so serious. The heard is behind us not right next to us," I called back. She frowned but didn't say anything else.

"She's just warning us you know. There are a lot more dead then just those behind us," Mark said softly.

"I know. But our biggest danger is your head," I said, my smirk returning.

"Oh that's it," Mark said as he tried to grab me. I let out a scream and began to sprint away from him as he chased me. I ran right past the girls laughing and continued running, leaving them far behind me as I tried to escape Mark.

Suddenly two arms wrapped around me and threw me onto the grass but gently. I was pinned down as Mark straddled over me. I felt my face heat up as I looked into his chocolate brown eyes. I felt my heart beat pick up and ,y arms tingle where our skin touched. I had a sudden urge to kiss him.

I gulped as he leaned down closer to me so our breath mixed and our noses touched. His lips hovered just above mine as i bit my lip. He didn't move any further than that, making my urge grown. I couldn't help it; I leant up and connected our lips for a moment. I pulled away a few second later and felt my face burn even more.

Mark smiled as he leaned down and connected our lips together again with more passion. I realised how much I had actually fallen for him without noticing until now and how much I actually needed him with me.

Now when do they fuck?

Survive It All (Septiplier) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now