Chapter 35

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Mackenzie's POV

Well it looks like my birth parents might have saved me from Silver and Cruella, but I think they forgot about me. Im always with either Belle or David and Snow. Its like they wanted to help me and then forgot I existed. I needed to talk to them and ask them why they dont come around me that often. Am I that horrible? Anyway I was headed to Granny's to get food pre David's request.

"Well.. Well.. Well.. Mackenzie was it? Im Walsh. I was good friends with your parents." Walsh says.

I didnt like the look he had and I knew he was lying. I slowly backed away from him, but he just continued to walk closer to me.

"Leave me alone. I have nothing you want." I say.

"Look dont be afraid I wont hurt you." He says.

I knew he was lying so I did what I always did. I ran away from him and made it to Killian's door step.

"Killian! Emma! You here?" I question as I see Walsh coming closer to me.

"Mack are... Get in the house." Emma says pulling me in and locking the door.

"Are you okay?" Killian asks me.

"Im fine. He just came out of nowhere." I say.

"Its going to be okay." Emma says.

"Will it? I mean how can it get better if you two always say your gonna protect me and yet you dump me off with your friends." I say.

"Mackenzie we are so sorry. Its just after Killian's accident we thought you would be safer with our friends because we knew Walsh was out there." Emma says.

"We are so sorry. Can you forgive us?" Killian ask.

"Yeah I can, but what about that creep outside. He freaks me out." I say.

"Dont worry about him. You both will be safe. Just stay inside and no matter what dont come out." Killian says.

Emma's POV

"Is he kidding?" Mack asks me.

"No Im serious." Killian says.

"Killian dont. Dont do this." I say.

"Swan you protected her last time while I lost my sanity. You saved me when I got hurt. Its my turn to save you both. I love you Swan. I always have and I always will. You have to let me do this." He says

But before I could say a word he went out the door and I couldnt be near that area so I took Mack into the kitchen and we waited for Killian to return... if he ever does.

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