Back at Hogwarts

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I get up early and check my trunk twice.

Today I was going back at Hogwarts with Draco and Blaise. A part of me really wants to go back but a part of me wants to be here and chat with my family.

I go down and eat some breakfast with Narcissa and Lucius.

"Hermione, can you wake the boys, if they sleep any longer they will never wake up," asks Narcissa.

"Of course Narcissa," I reply.

I let a evil smile on my face and I think Narcissa knew what I was going to do.

I run to the room of Draco first. I open the door and jump on his bed, bouncing up and down. 

Draco rubs with his hands in his eyes and looks at me. 

"I thought I could except that back," he sighs and he rolls around under his blankets.

I stop with bouncing and shake his shoulders.

"Draco, your mother wants you to wake up, otherwise you will never wake up. We go to Hogwarts today, remember?"

How difficult was it to wake up a teenage boy? She has done it before, in their fourth year when they went to the Quidditch World Cup, she had to wake Harry and RON, even RON was easier to wake up than this Slytherin boy.

"Do you want to be wet, because I'm gonna pour water over you when you don't wake up in five minutes."

I leave the room and smile big when I hear him hastily getting up. I give Blaise the same treatment and he understands the seriousness in my voice faster than Draco.

I go downstairs and just when I sit down, I hear the boys hurrying downstairs.

Lucius smiles and asks me:

"What did you do?"  

"Nothing," I say with a sweet, innocent voice. 

I finally sit in the compartment with Harry, Ron, Ginny, Fred, George and Neville. They ask me what I did this vacation.

"I was with my family and we went on some trips, celebrated the birthday of my aunt and we celebrated Christmas."

I don't even lie, because Lucius and Narcissa did take us to some places and we celebrated the birthday of Bellatrix, who I see as a kind of an aunt. 

"By the way, your presents were really nice, thank you," I say to them.

"Good that you like them, we liked yours also. Christmas is different without you, I hope you celebrate it with us again the next time," says Harry smiling.

I doubt it, but I couldn't bear to say no to them, so I say nothing.

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