A Not-So-Typical Monday

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Jughead POV – Monday morning. Possibly the worst time of all time, a time of hundreds of high school students high on caffeine, finishing assignments they should have done weeks ago. Girls applying last minute makeup in their locker mirrors,and jocks slipping on their bulldog jackets.

And then there was me.

Jughead Jones the Third, the "internet troll whose to busy writing his manifestos to get laid," as Reggie so poetically put it. An alcoholic dad, a mom who left him and took his sister, poor, kinda homeless. Alone. To be honest, I liked it that way. Sure, I had Archie, but he was the new quaterback, a new turned jock. And I had never been into that stuff.

That was until Betty Cooper. We had known each other forever, we were pretty much best friends our whole lives. There was something different about her, I knew it from the moment we met. She cared more about grades than guys, she didn't spend her time playing around with her hair or caking makeup on her face. Betty was the perfect girl next door, and I was... me. But despite that, I found myself falling fast and hard, and before I knew it, I was in love with Betty Cooper.

"Hey!" Betty's voice snapped me back to reality. "Hey you." I grinned, and leaned in to kiss her. "Get a room you two." Cheryl Blossom snapped at us, "And there's Vixen practice after school." she marched off, and we let out a snort of laughter, before I shut my locker and we headed off to science. Mrs Gerald actually gives me a headache. I can't wait to get out of this hellhole so I can start a career in writing. I glanced over at Betty, who was watching the board intently, but she caught me staring and turned her head to face me. "I love you." I mouthed, causing her to grin adorably. "I love you too." she mouthed back, before jumping slightly at the buzz of her phone. She carefully pulled it out under her desk. A look of fear spread across her perfect face. Shakily raising a hand, she asked to be excused, and took off out the room. Without hesitating, I sprung out of my seat and followed her out, ignoring the yells of Mrs Gerald . I hate her anyway.

A.N - Hey! Welcome to my first story on Wattpad. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter and make sure you comment and vote :)

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