Letter Home

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Dear V,

That's right, it's me. I have no idea where I am, but it's cold and dark. As for who took me, I haven't seen their faces, but they're definitely working for someone. Before I can get into the personal stuff, I'm obliged to tell you some things.

Firstly, don't turn this into the Police. If you do, they'll kill me. To be honest, I very much doubt I'll last much longer anyway, when you're reading this, I might be already dead.

Secondly, this is a warning. I suppose that's the reason they're letting me write this. Stop looking for Jason's killer, or rule one still applies - I'm dead.

I love you guys, don't forget that. The time I've been here, you're the ones who have kept me going, given me that little bit of hope. Regardless of what I had to say, never give up looking for the murderer, I'm already dead. The Blossoms deserve for the killer of their son to be brought to justice, and I know you'll want to avenge me as well.

Tell Jug that in the time we were together, I have felt more loved, cherished and treasured then I have in the whole of my life, and that in whatever time I have left, I will love him with all my heart.

You have given me a true friendship better than anything I could have imagined, so to you, Archie, Jug and Kevin, thank you.

All my love,


Jughead POV - The letter sat between us in Veronica's house, who was sobbing inconsolably, with Archie holding her in his arms, fresh tears in his eyes. I, however, wasn't crying, I was numb. In front of my eyes lay a letter Betty Cooper had written three days ago. We should be remotely happy that she seemed to be alive, but it felt nothing like that. Right now we knew that whatever Betts was going through, it was so bad that she had accepted death.

My mind echoed what she had said. How she had felt so loved when she was with me. But how could you not love Betty Cooper? She had a smile that could melt butter, words that could turn even the darkest day into sunshine, still, she was the strongest person I knew, and for that, I loved her. I was madly, deeply in love with her.

"We need to find out who is responsible for all this, no matter what threats the sicko makes, Betty is right, if she's alive, she doesn't have long, we need to act now." Archie's voice cracked as he spoke, his eyes slightly bloodshot. "And we're going to need help." On cue, my phone rang. It was my dad. Begrudgingly, I answered, putting him on speaker, waiting for him to speak first. "Son? I've done some digging. A few of my Serpents have been missing recently, and one of my pals said that they had been offered a big job, away from town." We all looked up suddenly, putting two and two together.
"So you mean... These serpents could be the ones hired to take Betty?" Veronica croaked.
"That's exactly what I'm saying. I'm loyal to them, believe me, they are like my family, but you are my family Jug, and I won't let them hurt you or your girl. Which is why I've told the sheriff. He's told me he'll start tracking them immediately."

A.N - So, if you couldn't tell, they're getting quite close to finding Betty ( dead or alive is a different question) but that doesn't mean the story is over. There will be chapters exploring the aftermath of what they find.

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