Pure Hatred

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(There is one 'bad' word in this, just a warning to younger readers)

Veronica POV - Arch and I walked into Pop's, looking for Jughead, who to my surprise was sitting at his booth with Cheryl Blossom, both sipping milkshakes. Jughead looked awful. Black bags cupped his eyes, which were bloodshot, making it obvious that he hadn't slept since Betty's disappearance. Neither me or Archie had either, but we were trying not to show it. The rest of his face was a pasty white, drained of colour. Immediately we were suspicious after the stunt Cheryl pulled at Jug's birthday party, and we quickly exchanged a glance. "That can't be good..." Archie mumbled to me.
"I know, since when does Cheryl Blossom have milkshakes with Jughead Jones?" I replied quietly, making sure they couldn't hear us. Cautiously, we walked up to their booth, trying to act as normal as possible. "Hey guys." I smiled, causing them both to turn around.
"Oh hey, Jughead and I were just discussing Jason's murder. We think we might be able to solve it together, so we can find out who took..." Cheryl's voice wavered and she decided not to finish the sentence. "But you have been trying to work it out with Betty for months," Archie challenged. Jughead flinched at the mention of his girlfriend's name, before Archie continued. "What makes you so sure you can just solve it now?"
"Cheryl was there on July 4th, and she knew Jason best. This will help." Jughead croaked, sounding as bad as he looked. He must be desperate if he was reaching to a Blossom for help. Cheryl's eyes moved past me, and an awkward smile appeared on her face. "Hey Mr Jones." She said. I turned around to see Jughead's dad standing behind me, a cheery smile on her face. Eyes darkening, Jughead lunged at his father, throwing several punches at his face. "Jug!" Archie shouted, pulling him away from FP, who had blood trickling from his nose. "WHERE IS SHE?!" his son yelled, wrestling against Archie's strong grip, his face fixed in a look a I hadn't seen before.


Archie POV - Pure hatred. I could never image Jughead hating someone so strongly. The Jughead I had known since we were 5. The Jughead who spent his time writing papers and eating hamburgers, who despite all the things he had been through could smile and laugh, be a sarcastic prick, and had a secret sweet spot for the girl next door. But this wasn't him. He was cold, dark, almost...empty? Not that I blamed him though, he had lost the girl he loved. Well, he had never said it, but I knew. The way he looked at her, the way he spoke. A blind man could see it.

"What the hell is going on Jughead?" I muttered, as FP wiped he remaining blood from his face.
"The phone was his!" He growled, causing Veronica's mouth to drop open. My arms dropped from Jughead in shock, as Ronnie covered her mouth for a moment, before charging over towards us, her hand flying across Jug's dad's already beaten face. "You better start explaining right now," She spat at him, "before my Louboutin meets your eyeball."
At this point, Jughead had turned away at this point, trying desperately to keep his calm, and I decided it was time to get answers.

"Yeah, let's start with where the hell is Betty Cooper."

A.N - Hello! Sorry if you were unprepared for "dark" Jughead lol I just wanted to add some depth to his character a bit. I promise that the next chapter you will find out all about the phone and possibly someone else involved (😏😏)

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