The Truth

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Jughead POV - It is the cruelest feeling to have the person you love taken away from you. Almost like having your heart ripped from your chest and yet you keep on living, in unbearable agony. Your body refuses to switch off, to stop, so you must spend everyday screaming and screaming until you fall apart. But even as you fall apart, the pain will not stop. It is like you are in endless pit, you are falling and falling, always thinking that surely you must be nearly at the bottom, but it carries on eternally, never stopping, never quenching, not even for a minute giving you to chance to breathe.

She was my everything, my light, my world, my centre of gravity stopping me from letting go, flying away. The moment I knew she was gone it was like a knife to my chest, it was dark and lonely and frightening. And it hurt like hell. The evening Betty Cooper was taken from my life I couldn't believe that my father was capable of kidnap, or hell, even murder, but those 3 days of endless emptiness brought my dad into a new light. If he had that phone, it was entirely possible that he was Jason Blossom's murder and Betty Cooper's kidnapper. He was a Serpent after all, who are known for doing other people's dirty work for them. The question is who? Now my father sat before me, a hint remorse in his eyes, telling me the story of how the phone that began this nightmare ended up in his trailer.

"I didn't hurt Betty ok?" He tried to assure us, but neither of us broke our cold expressions. "I was just doing a job for someone. They said to keep the phone hidden, destroy it if need be, make sure no one found out about them being the killer, and distract you on the night they took her. I don't know who attacked her, it might have been another Serpent, I honestly don't know!" FP pleaded with me.
"How could you do that to me Dad?" My voice cracked as my eyes threatened to spill tears down my worn face. "I'm your son, and you knew how I felt about her." Veronica placed a hand on my shoulder, a small gesture meant to provide a little comfort to me, but all it did was remind me of how Betty could make me feel safe with a gentle touch to my arm. Closing my eyes for a moment, I waited for a response. "Jug, I never meant the girl harm, I just needed work. I promise when I took the job I didn't even know it was Betty. You have to belie-"
"SHE COULD BE DEAD!" I finally snapped, belting at the top of my lungs. I was lucky that Pop had cleared the shop after the fight we had, and had quietly left us alone, like Cheryl, who bid us goodnight, and left us to sort this out and update her later. Dad didn't answer, obviously not knowing what he could say to redeem himself. "I'm done with this. Tell me right now, who are you working for?" I hissed. This was the only answer I needed before I never had to see my dad again. This time I meant it. I was done with trying to help a problem which I knew could never be fixed.

"He was a kid, tall, dark skinned, looked about your age I reckon. Offered a sum of money for my help. Usually I don't do business with kids but, he was pretty rich and was fairly adamant that I took his offer, so I did. Said he wanted revenge or something." My eyes widened, and I turned to face my friends, who were mirroring my expression. Veronica's upper lip trembled, and I saw Archie grab her hand. "Oh no." She whispered.


A.N - Two chapters in 1 day 😎😎 OMG IT WAS CHUCK WHO HIRED FP *SHOOK* Yeah I really hated his character so I wanted to make him super bad in this 😂 (also I know I got super deep at the start of this chapter idk why lol)

She's Gone - A Bughead FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora