Whole Again

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Betty POV - ( I missed doing her POV )I gazed down at my leg, that was being bandaged up by some paramedic I wasn't paying attention to. Just looking at the knife wound the length of my thigh brought back memories I'd rather not dwell on. I wanted to see my friends, more specifically Jughead, but no doubt they'll do a million and one checks on me first before letting them even close to me. Did they get my letter? Do they even know I'm alive?

I could hear camera clicks outside the ambulance, and shouts of reporters from news channels. Craning my neck, I could see them kept behind yellow tape, probably trying to take a picture of me alive and well. Alive at least. For I'm not alright, nor will I ever be. Not because I spent the past few days, weeks, I'd lost track, in that place, but because I'd killed someone. Innocent, no, but a person none the less.

In the crowd of people, I noticed Sheriff Keller, hat in hand, being followed by a black haired boy, no more than 17. They were heading towards me, I think. As they got closer, his face came into focus. Black loose curls and a crown beanie on his head.

Jughead Jones.

I got to my feet, and despite the wound on my leg, I couldn't feel it at all. He hadn't seen me yet, because he was looking at the ground. I would have shouted to him, but my throat seemed stuck, and I couldn't say a word. I guess you could say I was breath-taken. Moments like this are only supposed to happen in movies, where the guy gets the girl and they live happily ever after. This certainly isn't a movie, because in movies everything turns out perfectly in the end. And this tale wasn't going to have a happy ending. But right now, right this second, that didn't matter. 

His eyes left the floor, glancing from side to side before fixing on my face, and he saw me.

Jughead POV - And I saw her. Those green eyes I admired shone under the police lights, glinting with tears, and her plump lips were curled into a perfect smile. I stopped, taking a shaky breath as our eyes fixed together. "Hey there stranger." She spoke softly. I had missed that voice. It was like slow motion, like in those movies that I couldn't bear to watch. We ran at each other, each step bringing us closer to one another, until our bodies were inches away. I felt her fall into my grasp and I engulfed her in my arms, her head buried into my neck as I felt warm tears spring to my eyes. My fingers slipped through her golden locks as I breathed in her scent, and I was alive again. She pulled away and connected my lips with hers, tangling her hands into my thick black curls as my hands fit perfectly onto her slim waist. As we kissed, everything around us seemed to disappear, the police cars, the press. It was just Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones. Romeo and Juliet. 

I was whole again.

She's Gone - A Bughead FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin