Rest In Peace

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Jughead POV - The drive to the address was a quiet one of no conversation. We all sat in an unbearable silence, as Veronica drove hurriedly​ to a destination around an hour out of town. At the half hour mark, Archie finally spoke up. "Are we going to spend the rest of this journey pretending that haven't just been told that they've found Betty dead?" "We don't know that." Ronnie hissed at him, keeping her eyes on the road. "Who else could it be?" He flung his arms in the air, causing her to shoot daggers at him. I sat in the back seat, my head resting against the window, with the letter Betty had written in my hand. My fingers danced across the ink, where her hand had brushed the surface of the paper. A hand that I would never hold again. I hadn't realised that my cheeks were wet with salty tears, perhaps because I'd cried so often that I had become numb to it. The car went back to silence for the remainder of the journey, until we reached  wherever the hell we were. The scene was swarming with police cars, ambulances and the press. Damn, they were faster than we were. As Veronica turned off the engine, for a moment we didn't move, just looked at one another. Arch gave a slight nod and we jumped out of the car to face reality.

( I'm actually nervous to write this, even though I know what's going to happen)

The flashing from the police lights were blinding in the sunset, so it was hard for us to make out Sheriff Keller talking to another officer beside an ambulance. As soon as he spotted us, the sheriff dashed over to where we stood, and removed his hat. "I'm glad you're here kids, it's getting crazy here." We nodded, a look of horror on each of our faces as we took in the scene around us, especially the media. "They know, we had to tell them, in hope that they'll clear out as soon as possible." He sighed, rubbing his forehead. "I suppose you want to know everything, but I'll tell you what you really want to know. We found Betty - alive." 

That moment changed everything. It's kind of funny how in just one second, everything you think you know can change. Like the world just turned on its axis. This was most certainly one of those moments. I smiled, truly, honestly smiled. Still, a million questions sprung to my mind. What had happened to her? How badly was she hurt? And who's body was found? Archie and Veronica seemed to be thinking the same things, but at that moment it didn't matter. The raven-haired girl burst into tears of relief, with the ginger shortly following suit, and wrapped their arms around one another. Although I'd cried more than I could even want to in a lifetime, I could help but let tears fall down my cheeks, but these were tears of unimaginable happiness. Betty Cooper was alive. My girl-next-door. My Betty.

"I know you want to see her, in fact I'll take you too her now. But before you do, I should tell you about the body we found. We don't know why, or who killed them, but as far as we're aware, this person is the one we've been looking for. It certainly makes some kind of sense." Sheriff Keller looked Veronica dead in the eyes.

"It was Hiram Lodge."

A.N- Well there you have it. Don't fret, there's more chapters to come, but be aware this story will be coming to an end in the not too distant future. 

On another note, thank you for 2K! Wow, I could never had imagined this - THANK YOU!

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