Part II : one

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Part II | the drunk girl

o n e

Audio director 1! Standby!

Please check all your mics!

In 3! 2! 1!


The once annoying repeated twinkling of lights from the apparatus in front of him was now a mere boring gleam he got used to.

Seconds ago the four cornered suffocating room was as chaotic as the fish market filled with scrambling audio directors, technical personnel and DJs. Suddenly, everything went quiet upon seeing the rectangular red light illuminate with letters in white printed on it- ON AIR.

Stretching his cramped shoulders and clearing his throat, the microphone subsequently kissed his lower lip.

'Sweet greetings to all our beloved listeners from all over this small Daegu Town, this is your DJ SUGA signing in. Now, shall we bust some sugar coated nuts?'

Well, his voice was naturally deep yet he tried to make it deeper than its usual just to deliver such frustrating, peeving, vexatious- whatever they call it tag line. Over and over, he was chanting those sickening lines for almost two years he might throw up sooner.

'Half an hour later and we'll finally bid farewell to Friday and welcome the most awaited weekend and so before we say goodbye to this tiring and shitty week let's welcome our very first caller.'

Manipulating the white rectangular buttons with so much ease he could even swear that he'll be able to work with his eyes closed and blindfolded. Switching the on hold call on the other line into 'on air' the earsplitting feedback from the radio made his tired little eyes squint.

Suga: A sweet late night to you. May I know who's this?

Caller: Uhm... hello, you can just call me Kookie.

Suga: Oww, Kookie. I'm guessing that it's your alias and it kinda gives me an international playboy vibe but nonetheless let's go back to business, why are you still up in this unfriendly time of the night?

Kookie: I-i just wanted to ask some advice concerning my girlfriend.

Suga: Yes, please go on I'm listening.

Kookie: I'm in relationship with my girlfriend for almost a year already and I really like her but I feel confuse lately after I met another girl.

Suga: You're cheating then.

Kookie: N-no! It's not like that. Of course not!

Suga: I didn't ask you a question Kookie, it was a pure statement so I don't need your big NO for an answer.

Kookie: I just felt confused and that's not even counted as cheating.

Suga: So does that make you any loyal to her?

Kookie: I-i don't know.

Suga: Tell me, did you go out with this new girl on a date? Did you talk to her about personal things and it made you feel like you wanted to know her better? Because obviously speaking you won't get confused if you weren't doing one of those things.

Kookie: W-well, technically yes.

Suga: Then leave your girlfriend and BAM! problem solved.

Kookie: B-but I can't! I like her, I'm just torn between the two of them but I know that I like her.

Suga: If you truly love her then you won't get confused with your own feelings. If you truly like her then you won't go behind her back flirting with another woman.

Suga: You can't expect me to tell you that you should try to figure out your own feelings because your girlfriend deserved someone better than an indecisive cheating brat like you.

Kookie: Whoah! How can you make it sound so simple Suga? It's not as easy as ABC!

Suga: Well, if you don't like my suggestion then ignore the new girl and focus all your attention to your girlfriend.

Kookie: ...

Suga: Why can't you answer? You can't right? Coz you also like her.

Kookie: ...

Suga: Whatever answer I give still, nothing would seem appealing to you, why? Because you're being an indecisive jerk who wanted to keep both girls in your grasp.

Suga: Humans tend to reason out that everything is not as easy as 123 and ABC's just to make excuses for their failures but in reality all answers were already laid in front of their eyes but they chose to ignore it just because they don't like the correct answer amongst the wrong choices.

Kookie: Why are you acting like a menopausal grandpa? I called here to ask for an advice and not to be scolded!

Suga: Then here's my advice for you. Go to church, confess all your sins and wash your mouth with holy water. Stop making my blood pressure shoot up high! You won't pay my hospital bills if I get high blood attack in here.


Toot ... Toot ... Toot ...


Yoongi leaned his back comfortably on his swivel chair upon hearing the call ended. It was never new to him especially when the caller was a rude ass immature brat who tends to view his sassy comments on negative side rather than looking at it positively.

He breathe deeply before speaking, 'to my rude ass caller who can't take all my words with open mind please don't go around using Kookie as your alias, it's too cute for your own good.'

'To all my beloved listeners I'll be back with another caller after a song. I hope Kookie's still listening because this track was specially handpicked by DJ Rapmonster just for him, Cypher 3 by BTS. Time check it's 12:02 in the morning, enjoy listening everyone.'

He removed the huge earphone almost covering half the side of his face before chugging a bottle of mineral water. Yoongi leaned the back of his head on top of his black swivel chair and closed his eyes.

"Someone woke up on a bad mode aye?" Rapmonster the resident Disk Jockey who was assigned on the Mix tapes radio program spoke. "You could have made your words less harsher to that kid ya know," he added.

"People don't need saints to always pray for them in order to realize that they were wrong. Sometimes it all takes a hard whip on their ass to wake them up." Yoongi nonchalantly replied still eyes close.

"I really wonder why people still listens to this radio program when all you do was to diss all your callers. I won't get too surprised if you write your own cypher about them later."

"I'm too irresistible, I guess."Yoongi cockily said before grabbing his earphone back, hearing that the song playing was coming near its end.

The song faded from the background, the cue for his voice to take over.

'Good morning my sweet listeners this is your DJ SUGA, back with another caller. I just hope this one doesn't drop the call without warning, we don't want BTS's Cypher series playing all dawn long, are we?' Yoongi said with a lace of humor in his voice.

Suga: A sweet early morning to you. Wh-

Caller: YAH! I WILL SUE YOU! I will really sue you for hurting me like this! YOU DANGEROUS MAN!

Suga: E-excuse me?!

a|n : no updates for the meantime. Just a little sneak peak.

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