Captured in the Midst

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This is one of many Loki

fanfictions that are to come! I

hope you guys like my stories

and can connect with the

characters! Please comment and

vote on each chapter that I post

to let me know how I'm doing!

Love you and please read the

background on the story! Keep in

mind this is before Thor!

Enjoy <3


My father was my life. Why? Well, I don't really know how to explain it, but we've always been close, doing anything and everything together. His name was Tyr, the god of war, and the skies. Since I was a small child, I helped him with everything, and in return, he taught me all of his skills as a war general for Asgard. My father was second in command to King Odin, and therefore our two families were together often. Being family friends with the Odinsons came with great privileges including a new playmate within Prince Thor. Only a few years older than me, he was big and clumsy, but a riot to have around. Thor's mother, Frigga, the queen, was like a second mother to me. My real mother, Eir, worked in the healing room, alongside Frigga, using her amazing gift to save the patients. My mother and Frigga were great friends, which there came a time where my powers, too, came into view. I was a sorceress with snow, ice, and sometimes water, and Frigga having sorcery as well, helped me learn to maintain my powers, alongside Thor's younger brother Loki. Loki was a small child with short black hair, and a bit awkward actually. Being the god of mischief, he was always making fun of Thor and I, and pulling pranks when we least expected it. I despised Loki with all of my heart, and he knew it, which only made him enjoy taunting me even more. Loki was only two years older than me, so, it wouldn't be long before I caught up to him and his trickery, and start fighting back.

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