Chapter 8

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Waking up any normal day would be easy. But waking up knowing that two brothers, let alone princes, both have a major crush on you is a little alarming.

After the whole epidemic with Thor and Loki kissing me, I panicked. Panic wasn't a normal thing for me and I sure as hell didn't show it. However, that night was just the cherry on top of all of the stress I had been holding in for years. I fell apart on my bed, tears streaming down my face.

How had my life gone from guys not noticing me, to both princes of Asgard falling for me. I paused, thinking back to that moment where I had kissed them both. Thor claimed to love me, but Loki hadn't. Yet, Loki's kiss held more passion than Thor's ever did.

The next few days went by slowly. Thor and I made up and despite our parents' wishes, he asked me out. My brain betrayed me in choosing him over Loki, who had not spoken to me since the night we kissed. Thor was a wonderful boyfriend, doing anything and everything to make sure I was happy. In a few weeks, according to Asgardian tradition, I would have to move in with him soon to try and "test out" our relationship. I knew that this condition only meant sleeping next to one another, nothing too physical, but I was still nervous. This was my first ever relationship and it was moving fast.

Days went by. Weeks. Months.

Loki and I still hadn't spoken. I took it he was still upset after our fight and just didn't want to get involved. He would rarely show up for meals and it would be a miracle if I even saw him in the hallways. It was weird, I kinda actually missed the teasing. Now it was just quiet and nothing was going on around the palace. I can't imagine where he would spend all of his days, maybe in the library reading or in the spell room practicing his sorcery. But the thing was, as much as I claimed to hate his guts, I missed his mischievous presence.

It had been five months since that eventful day and now my relationship with Thor was even stronger. We had moved in together and laying next to him every night made me forget about Loki's absence.

"Babe?" Thor mumbled one morning.

"Hmm?" I was softly drawing shapes on his chest, watching it raise and fall each time he took a breath.

"I have to go do another patrol in Vanaheim with my father today."

"Why can't Loki do it?"

"Because you and I both know that Loki would never that kind of stuff willingly."

A small laugh left my lips. "You're right about that."

Thor planted a small kiss on my lips before getting out of bed and changing into his armor.

"Don't be gone too long." I cooed.

"I won't. Don't miss me too much."

"You can't guarantee that."

"Bye loser."

"Bye Barbie."

He winked at me, closing the door behind him.

The rest of the day was up to me, so I went to the training ring to practice some more. My father as well as his army had ventured with Odin and Thor for the patrol in Vanaheim, so it was just me in the arena. I practiced for hours, trying to prefect my skill in sword fighting, archery, and even hand to hand combat, which I still need practicing. At the moment, I was punching out a dummy when I split the top half of my knuckles open. I screamed, a string of curse words falling from my mouth.

My anger was my worst flaw. Don't make me mad, or you're dead.

Clutching my hand to my side, I screamed again, sending a flurry of ice towards the target. Because of my wound, I missed terribly, the ice hitting the wall and shattering into sharp shards across the ground.

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