Chapter 31

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This was a long awaited chapter, I know! I apologize in advance! Enjoy!


I awoke to an empty bed. As I rolled over, the soft scent of mint lingered on his pillow. I smiled, remembering never having such a good sleep in months.

Loki was alive.

I found a note on my nightstand as I got out of bed. It was folded up into a small little heart, with a bouquet of roses next to it. It read:

My darling, Astrid,

I am so glad everything is well between us. Talking to you last night was amazing. I had missed you more than the stars would miss the moon. Hearing you speak, alone, made me get a warm feeling inside. As for this morning, I am terribly sorry that I could not wake up beside your beautiful face. I had some kingly duties to obtain to, so if you'd like to join me after you awake, I would be happy to see you. Just give the guards outside the throne room a heads up, and hopefully you can make it before noon! My day becomes very distracted afterwards! I will ravish the hours counting down to see you. I love you, my angel.

Loki, King of Asgard.

I smiled again, my heart warming at the note. If I wanted to catch Loki before he became too busy, I had to leave now.

I busied myself in a nice, hot shower, before slipping on an emerald green dress that a Loki must've stocked in my closet while I was asleep.

How sweet.

I tried on the dress, loving the off the shoulder straps and the low cut v that showed just enough to make my lover pleased. I grinned in the mirror. Oh how he was going to love me in this.

Quickly pacing down the hallways in the Asgardian palace, I reached the double doors to the throne room in no time. There where two guards standing watch, and they stepped forwards as I approached.

"I'd like to see the king, please." I spoke sweetly to the guard on the right.

"Let me make sure that he is available at this time." He looked towards his buddy, who scampered off to talk to Loki.

The other guard came back moments later saying that the king was just finishing up, and that I may head on in. I smiled, slipping through the door to see Odin sitting atop the throne.

Even before I entered, I heard voices, loud ones. I could slowly make out Loki's, or Odin's, as well as the soft spoken one of my father.

"My king, we need to think about the consequences of letting non experienced people into the Asgardian army." His voice was aggravated and it almost seemed that he was on the verge of yelling. "They will not survive in training, let alone a real fight."

"And that is why we must give them time to train." Loki, disguised as Odin, shook his head. "You yourself said that we need more warriors."

"But not villagers!" My father cried out.

"Please your highness," I saw my mother step into view. "All we are asking is that we think of all the options-"

"Let me ask you something," Loki broke them off. "Isn't there anybody you know, that didn't have the power to fight at first, but throughout years of training, she not only developed a well set of skills with swords, hand to hand combat, as well a unique set of powers of her own?"

"I cannot say, Allfather." My father replied.

"Really? Not even your own daughter?"

"Astrid has nothing to do with this!" My mother yelled out.

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