Chapter 1

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Astrid's POV:

The cry of battle rang throughout the training arena as I raced past, Ullr, one of my father's best men. He swung his sword, a clean swipe right over my head, giving me a chance to spin and clash our weapons together.

"Very good." Ullr gave me a bright smile. "You learn so quick, just like your father."

"Thank you." I kept my voice even.

"Now, let's have you try out your new skills on one of my sidemen. Kaí, come over here."

Kaí walked over slowly and watched Ullr beckon him towards me.

"Now I need you to defend yourself from Astrid as best you can." He nodded wearily. I bent my knees, and held my sword up, ready for battle.

"Alright. Go!"

Loki's POV:

I slowly followed behind Thor, dragging my feet in the dusty Asgardian sand.

"Loki, come on! We'll miss her training!" Thor groaned, yanking on my arm.

"Oh leave me alone, you big oaf. I have better things to do than to watch Astrid train."

"Brother." He shook his head. "You can talk to our friends! I'm sure they'll be there!"

"I'd rather be in the library."

"Loki, Astrid is our friend. We at least owe her this much."

"She was never my friend. But if it will get you to stop pestering me, then I will go. But only for a little while, and I won't guarantee that I will actually watch her."

Thor happily clapped his hands, and dragged me towards the training field. A crowd had started to form on the outside, but he shoved through them. Sif and the warriors three were standing nose to nose with the fence watching intently at the battle that was taking on before them. Sif turned her head slightly before greeting us with a pleased face.

"Hello, my two princes! Loki, I'm glad you could make it." Her voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"Oh trust me, I don't plan on staying long."

Fandral chuckled. "Such a shame, my friend. I thought you were what as Midgardians say, a 'badass' at fighting."

Volstagg chuckled. "You must been thinking of another Loki. The Loki I know spends all of his time in the library reading."

I growled. "I could kick your sorry ass any day."

"Let's test that shall we?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Be careful, Volstagg. You're not exactly light on your feet after you just devoured a ten pound boar." Sif chuckled.

"I can manage." He caught gazes with me and I chuckled.

This would be an easy fight. I had beaten Volstagg numerous times before, and what no one had known was that all the time when they thought that I was in the library, I was in the ring fighting practice guards.

They turned back towards Astrid's fight going on in the training arena. I softly pushed Hogun to the side and watched her intently. Her lush blonde hair was pulled to the side in a braid, as she jabbed another swing at her opponent. He frantically tried to block another blow from her sword, but she had his strategy down. Before long, his butt was planted in the sand, with Astrid's sword pointing at his chest. The small crowd erupted into cheers as Volstagg made his way inside the arena.

"Congrats, little one." He slung an arm around her shoulders as she smiled following him to outside the fence. "Would you like to stay and watch our fight?" He gestured to me, and a smug smile grew on her face.

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