Chapter 35

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This is kind of the chapter that leads up to the wedding so get ready! It may be a little short too, so I apologize in advance!


"There is no way, you're getting me to wear this... thing!" I yelped, staring worriedly at the dress maker.

"Astrid, you kinda need to wear a wedding dress on your wedding day." Jane replied, looking at Darcy for help.

"I don't like this one, though."

"Jane, just let her pick another dress. Ma'am, could she see what other ones you have?" Darcy nodded at the lady who had brought all the wedding dresses, not one of them my taste.

"Thanks Darce." I smiled, patting her on the shoulder. "This frustrates me so much. Normal dresses I can deal with, but huge, poofy ones are just over the top. I can't."

She grinned. "I feel you, sister. Pants and a sweatshirt are the way to live life properly."

"M'lady?" The lady came back holding one more dress. "I have this one, but it ranked low in the store products."

"Let me see it anyways." I reached forward, gently taking it, and disappearing into the bathroom.

Moments after trying on the dress I knew it was the one.

I stood, silent in front of the mirror, my eyes glued to the glass.

That wasn't me. That couldn't be me.

But it was.

"Um, Ast," Darcy called nervously. "You okay in there?"

I tried to answer, but I couldn't speak. It was like all the words that tried to form, disintegrated on my tongue.

"Alright, that's it, I'm coming in." Darcy declared, swinging open the door, and freezing on the spot. "Woah."

"What? What is it?" Jane called, walking in behind her. Her eyes caught sight of me and they shone. "Astrid, you look..."

"Stunning." Darcy finished for her. "Dude, I can't even, oh my gosh, that looks perfect on you. Loki will love it."

I swallowed, trying to regain my voice back. "Y-you really think so?"

"I know so."

"Loki won't be able to keep his hands off of you." Jane smiled honestly.

"Thanks, Jane."

It was somewhat of a compliment, but it was the closest thing I was going to get.


"So, how was dress shopping?" Loki asked, squeezing my hand tightly underneath the dinner table.

"Good." I smiled, taking a bite of the potatoes on my plate.

"Did you find anything?"

I looked at Darcy and Jane, a smirk on my face.

"She did, indeed." Darcy half laughed, looking between me and Loki.

"What? What's so funny?" Thor wondered, turning to look at Jane. "Why are they smiling?"

"Yes, Astrid, please share with us this joke you three are sharing." Loki smiled.

"Oh, nothing." Darcy chuckled, replying to Loki. "It's just Astrid looks smoking hot in her dress that when you see her, you probably won't be able to stop yourself from ripping it off-"

"Darcy!" I screamed, covering my face in my hands.

Loki and Thor burst out laughing, and I felt a hand comfortingly on my knee.

Captured in the MidstOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora