Chapter 6

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Tonight was the night.

I stood in my bedroom facing a room high mirror. Who was that girl looking back at me? She looked gorgeous, flawless. That couldn't be me. Could it?

"Astrid, dear, you look beautiful." Frigga praised, coming up from behind me and placing a hand on my bare shoulder.

"That's not me."

It was true. The person I had become had shocked even me. The girl in front of me had lush curled blonde hair that went down to her stomach, and bright blue eyes that shone like crystals. She wore a beautiful emerald green gown that hugged her curves perfectly, and ruffled out at her waist, pooling out on the floor. It was an amazing gown, fit for a royal.

Frigga smiled. "Oh, but it is."

I didn't respond.

"Loki will be here in a few minutes to walk you in. Good luck." She gave me one last goodbye before leaving my room.

Loki would be here soon. Oh god what would he think of the beauty queen I had become? What would Thor think?

What the heck Astrid, why would you even care what they think?

My subconscious was right. I was the daughter of Tyr, a warrior. Not some sort of dress up thing.

A soft knock interrupted my train of thought.

"Come in,"

Loki pushed the door open, walking into my room. He kept his head forward, not fully making eye contact with me until the door was closed. When he did, his eyes widened.

"Astrid... you look.."


"No," He smiled. "Gorgeous."

"But I look like a Barbie doll." I protested.

"Thor looks like a Barbie doll. You look like a princess."

"A princess? Loki, I think that's an overstatement."

"You do," He paused, catching my gaze with his intent emerald green eyes. "You are truly stunning."

"My, my, is that an actual compliment, Mr. God of Mischief?"

"I suppose it is." He grinned, holding out his arm for me. "Ready to go?"

I looked at him, all gussied up in his Asgardian armor, and chuckled.

I was actually going to the ball with Loki. What has the world come to?

Entering was terrifying. I had never actually gone to a ball before, let alone a royal ball with a prince. Loki led me silently down the stairs and up to the door to be let in.

"Are you nervous?"

"A little bit actually." I admitted.

"It's quite alright, angel." There he goes again with the angel. "You'll do fine. Just stick by me, and we'll get through this together."

I nodded as I heard our names being announced.

"Now presenting, Prince Loki and his date, Astrid Tyrdottir."

I heard several gasps as we padded down the staircase and into the ball. I got many strange stares as well, and I clung to Loki's arm. I even saw that girl Erica from the village, but she just shot me a death glare and walked away. When we reached the bottom, the ball began and we were soon greeted by our parents.

"So this was the surprise you were talking about." Odin raised an eyebrow, looking at Frigga.

"Neither of them were very happy about it, but Loki needed a date so..."

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