Chapter 11

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"Do you swear to guard the nine realms?" Odin's voice rung throughout the throne room where he sat at the top.

"I swear." Thor knelt below, his eyes cast upon the allfather.

"And do you swear to preserve the peace?"

"I swear."

"Do you swear to cast aside all selfish ambitions for the good of the realm?"

"I swear!" Thor chanted. He was almost king.

"Then on this day, I, Odin, allfather, proclaim you...." He paused, worry clouding over his eyes.

"Frigga? What's going on?" I whispered where I stood next to the queen.

"He senses something!" She replied back in a hushed voice.

"The frost giants!"


I was walking hurriedly to my chambers. I had to find Thor and see what all the fuss is about. A sudden crash in the dining hall caused me to flinch in surprise, turning my attention towards the sound. Thor stood next to the huge table which had flipped over on its side, food spilled everywhere.

"Thor," I whispered, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Astrid, please, I don't want to speak right now."

"I'm sorry." I backed up, watching as he went to sit down on the steps.

"I'm sorry for the rudeness my love. Please go back to our chambers. I will meet you there." He looked at me with sincerity.

I nodded, walking over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Everything is going to be fine."

"I wish that could be true." He sighed.

My heart longed to stay and see what all of this was about, but Thor wanted me to go back to our chambers. My curiosity got the better of me. I silently hid behind one of the huge pillars that lined the dining hall, watching the scene before me unfold. Sif and the warriors three suddenly walked in, awestruck.

"Redecorating, are we?" She commented sarcastically, watching Volstagg stare absentmindedly at the wasted food on the floor.

"What's this!" He bellowed. "All this food. So innocent, it just got cast to the ground. Breaks the heart."

Thor didn't look up as they entered, but Loki's appearance from behind the pillar he rested against made him glance to the side.

"It's unwise to be in my company right now, brother." Thor stated, frustration in his voice.

Loki nearly sat down beside him, and continued on. "Who said I was wise?"

"This was to be my day of triumph."

"It'll come. In time." He paused, looking at Volstagg who was picking up the fallen food and placing it on a platter. "If it's any consolation, I think you're right. About the frost giants, about Laufey, about everything. If they found a way to penetrate Asgard's defenses once, who's to say they won't try again. Next time, with an army."

"Exactly," Thor let go a sigh of relief.

"There's nothing you can do without defying father." Loki looked at Thor with pity.

"Yes, there is."

"No, stop, I know that look, stop right there."

"It's the only way to ensure the safety of our borders."

"Thor, it's madness."

"Madness? What sort of madness?" Volstagg looked up from devouring a block of cheese.

"It's nothing." Loki interjected. "Thor was nearly making a jest."

Thor glared at him. "The safety of our realm is no jest. We're going to Jotunheim."

"Thor, of all the laws of Asgard, this is the one you must not break." Sif looked at him worriedly.

"This isn't like a journey to Earth, where you summon a little lightning and thunder and the mortals worship you as a god. This is Jotunheim." Fandral replied.

"If the frost giants don't kill you, your father will." Volstagg shoved another piece of cheese in his mouth.

"My father fought his way to Jotunheim, defeated their armies, and took their casket. We will just be looking for answers."

"It is forbidden." Sif argued.

"My friends," Thor chuckled. "Have you forgotten everything that we have done together?" He turned to Fandral. "Who brought you into the sweet grace of the most exotic maidens in all of Asgard?"

"Well you helped a little."

Thor smiled, turning to Hogun. "And who led you into the most glorious of battles?"

"You did."

"And the delicacies so succulent you thought you died and gone to Valhalla?"

Volstagg smiled. "You did."

"And who proved wrong all who sculpted the idea that a young maiden could be one of the fiercest warriors this realm has ever known?"

"I did," Sif smirked, earning a laugh from Thor.

"True, but I supported you." He grinned, turning back to them all. "My friends, trust me now, we must do this. You're not going to let my brother and I take all the glory, are you?"

Loki looked up at Thor with wide eyes. "What?"

"What? You are coming with me, aren't you?"

"Yes, of course." He stood up tall. "I won't let my brother march into Jotunheim alone."

"And I."

"And I."

"And I. The warriors three fight together."

"I fear we'll live to regret this." Sif said, turning to leave with the warriors three, Thor and Loki in suit.

I decided to race after them, trying to get to Thor before it was too late. I grabbed my horse and galloped to the Bifrost only to see Heimdall already starting it up.

"Thor! Wait!" I yelled, racing in. "You're not going without me!"

Thor stared at me wide-eyed. "Astrid, I don't know what I would do with myself if you got harmed. I want you to stay here."

"But, Thor-"

"Please? I need you safe. Heimdall, please watch over her."

Heimdall nodded and I growled, watching my friends bodies being sucked through a portal into Jotunheim.

"Will they be okay?" I asked him, worried.

"They will be soon enough." He replied in a deep voice.

"What do you mean? They just went into the very realm of danger. It's not like they are going to come back in a matter of minutes, right?"

"One of your so called friends told a palace guard where they were headed. Odin is on his way over here right now."


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