Chapter 17

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Sorry, but this is kinda a fast paced chapter so I apologize if it's hard to keep up. Please bare with me! Enjoy <3


Six months later...


I was running a brush through my long blonde hair, as Thor stumbled into my chambers clumsily.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" I chuckled.

"I. Need. To. Tell. You. Something." He breathed, clutching his chest. "Give me a minute."

"Oh, Thor, you big oaf, what am I going to do with you?"

He grinned widely. "Well you sound just like who my news is about."

"What?" I scrunched my face up in confusion. "Who are you talking about."

"I'm a big oaf...?" He paused, drawing out the sentence. "Oh come on, Astrid, who else calls me that?"

You big oaf. I knew this. I just couldn't figure out why. You big oaf.... Oaf... Mischief. Tricks. Teasing. Loki.

As my faced dawned with realization, Thor bellowed with joy. "Loki's alive!"

"What?" I screamed, a dumb grin plastered on my face. "How did Pocahontas survive the fall?"

"He fell to Earth, I assume. Heimdall spotted him this morning!"

"That's crazy!"

"I'm going to try and get him to come home, but I had to tell you first! However, Heimdall says he's trying to take over Earth, and he's succeeding.... so far."

"That stupid ass son of a-"

"Astrid," Thor looked at me in alarm. "Loki won't get that far, as long as I can get to him before the mortals do."

I nodded. "Well go Mr. God of Thunder!"

He laughed, jogging out of the room.


Two weeks later...

"It's been too long, Sif." I sighed, pacing back and forth about the dining hall. "He should've been home by now."

"Calm down, Astrid, I'm sure Thor's just trying to deal with the mortals. It's sounds like Loki gave them quite a scare."

"Sif's right," Fandral remarked. "They'll be home soon enough."

"Why don't you go check on them. I'm sure the gatekeeper would be more than happy to help you." Volstagg mumbled through a mouthful of his lunch.

"Heimdall!" I gasped, racing out of the room.

I reached the Bifrost in minutes, nearly crashing into Heimdall himself.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I apologized.

"It's alright m'lady. What can I do for you?" He chuckled.

"I'd like to see Loki and Thor please."

"Very well."

The Bifrost started up, and I soon saw a Thor with a group of people. A man with an eye patch stood up, watching his face carefully.

"What do you expect me to do?" Thor asked, looking out the window into the darkness to Earth's sky.

"I'm saying what are you prepared to do?" The man replied, watching his face for any expression.

Thor didn't answer. He just kept his face nailed to the ground.

The scene started to shift, and I saw Loki standing next to an old man. He looked different. He had more confidence, and his eyes were a bright blue in color. His hair had grown out, and now it reached his shoulders, gelled back and curled at the tips. I loved it. He looked hot.

"How much longer?" He spoke menacingly. Oh how I had missed his voice.

Stop it, Astrid. He's trying to take over the world. He's not the same Loki you knew. He's evil now.

"Not long now, sir. The tesseract will be ready by tomorrow."


"Good. Get it ready. The war begins tomorrow."

The scene drawled to a stop, and I stared open mouthed at Heimdall.

"What the hell just happened?"

"It seems, Lady Astrid, that Loki is planning a war on the mortals."

"But why? Loki wouldn't do that."

"The Loki you knew is far too gone, miss."

He was right. My Loki was gone. But he was in there somewhere. I could see it in his face as he spoke. I just had to discover a way to find it.

"Heimdall, I'll be back in ten."

"What do you plan to do?"

"Stop Loki. Take me to Earth."


My back hit something hard and cold. Groaning, I rolled over, feeling lightheaded.


I hadn't traveled in the Bifrost in forever, and I forgot how sick I became afterwards. Pulling myself up from the metal floor, I walked down a darkened hallway. Where was I? Soft voices echoed throughout the building, and I silently slipped past each room, trying to find the source.

"We have to find out his weakness." A man spoke in a hushed tone. "We have to find out what makes him crack."

"So, Stark, will this plan of yours make him surrender?" That voice. It was the man with the eye patch from the scene Heimdall showed me.

The man called Stark laughed. "Trust me, find his weak point, and I'll do the rest."

"Who are you?!" A raspy voice gasped behind me. A guard.

I turned around, a small smirk on my face. "Your worst nightmare."

Swinging my body around, I kicked my foot up in the air, slamming him in the head. The man fell unconscious to the ground.

"That's what you get when you mess with an Asgardian." I chuckled.

"Asgardian?" The man with the eyepatch along with Stark appeared in the doorway.

"Do you happen to know Loki?"

"Why would I answer any questions you two would have?" I sneered.

The man called Stark pulled out a knife.

"Because you really don't want to know what might happen if you don't."

My eyes widened in fear.

"Tony, I believe you have his weakness."

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