Chapter 23

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"That's a quantum field generator isn't it?" A woman laying on a table asked Asgard's top healer, Vita.

I was watching from behind the healing room door.

"It's a soul forge."

"Well, does a soul forge transfer molecular energy from one object to another?"

"Yes." Vita looked her in awe.

"Hmm," The woman turned her head to look at Thor, who was standing in the corner. "Quantum field generator."

I laughed.

Thor left me for this mortal?

"Are my words mere noises to you that you ignore them completely?" Odin stepped into the room walking up to Thor.

"She is ill." Thor looked over at him.

"She is mortal. Illness is their defining trait."

"I brought her here because we can help her."

"She does not belong here in Asgard, anymore than a goat belongs at a banquet table."

"Did he just-" The woman sat up. "Who do you think you are?"

Odin turned to face her. "I am Odin, king of Asgard, protector of the nine realms."

"Oh. Well, I'm-"

"I know very well who you are, Jane Foster."

"You told your dad about me?" She turned towards Thor.

"Something is within her, father. Something I have not seen before-"

"Her world has it's healers, they're called doctors, let then deal with it. Guards, take her back to Midgard."

"No, I would not-" Thor ran forward as a blast of red substance burst forth from Jane's body. "Touch her. Jane are you alright?"

The mortal nodded slightly.

Odin walked over to her, running his hand over her pale arm. "That's impossible."

"The infection," Vita walked up beside him. "It's defending her."

"Or," Thor spoke. "Its defending itself."

Odin turned to look outside the window.

"Well that was interesting." I walked in the room, breaking the silence. "So you're Jane Foster."

"You know my name?" She looked at me with wife eyes.

"Of course." I replied, meeting gazes with the mortal woman. "Everyone in Asgard knows your name."

"Who-" Jane's eyes twisted in confusion.

"Enough, Astrid." Thor warned.

"Oh, no." I laughed. "I want to know more about this mortal woman who captured Barbie's heart."

"Astrid, I thought we went over this. Please don't attack Jane, it was my fault-"

"I'm not mad about that, Thor. Don't be ridiculous. I've moved on. Have you?" I tested him with my eyes, watching Jane as she slowly put things together with her mortal brain.

"Of course I have." He gestured to Jane. "So why are you here?"

"To meet the famous Jane Foster." I smiled holding out my hand to her. "My name is Astrid Tyrdottir. My father is the commander of Odin's army, and I have know Thor, here, since we were babies."

"Oh," Jane slowly shook my hand. "I hope I didn't interrupt anything."

"Not at all. I was going to break apart our engagement anyways."

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