Chapter 13

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"Alright." I groaned, feeling Loki's perceptive gaze upon me. "If you can't do anything about bringing Thor back, than will you at least go on Earth to see how he's doing? Maybe talk to him about what's going on."

"What's in it for me?"

"I don't know. What would you like in return?"

"Hmm..." Loki smiled, watching my every move. "A day where you're mine and mine only."

"So, just like a day where we hang out or.."

"A day where you'll exceed my every command, and if you're good, I will let you relax."

Oh gods, what did I get myself into?

"Fine." I growled. "But know that I do this out of my love for Thor, not because of you."

"What is this newfound love for Thor? You were attached to me just a couple of days ago, what happened to that?"

"Oh nothing really. It was right after you admitted your non existing love for me. It just made me realize how much I really cared for Thor. He is going to be my husband anyways."

Loki hummed, the sound coming from deep within his throat. "Come here, my angel."

I slowly walked up the steps of the throne, my heart dragging along with my feet. Loki stood at my presence and brushed a cold hand across my cheek. I winced and turned my face the other way. He sat back down, crossing one leg sideways over the other.

"Sit on your king's lap and stay awhile." Loki purred.

"In your dreams." I snapped angrily.

"Well then, we will discuss your behavior tomorrow. You are to be dressed and ready in front of my chambers by seven am. The maids will help you dress in what I acquire you to wear. Until then, you are free to go."

I turned hurriedly on my heels.

"Astrid!" Sif called out as I jogged quickly away from the throne room. "How did it go? Did you get him to say yes?"

I shook my head. "No, but I got him to promise to visit Thor and to check on him. For a cost though."

"A cost? Oh boy, what did the loyal Astrid do to herself this time?" Volstagg chuckled.

"He wanted me to be...." I gulped. "To be his servant for a day."

Sif and the warriors three grimaced.

"And you agreed to that?" She asked.

"I did it for Thor. Wouldn't any of you do the same?"

They nodded heartily. "We all would."

"Well the only thing I can do is to not fall for him. I have to stay strong, for Thor."

"You can do this, Astrid. I know you can." Sif hugged me. "Just stay strong."


Loki's maids had me up and ready to go by six o' clock. They had primped and prettied me silly, and I couldn't believe that I wasn't going to another ball. I wore an emerald green dress that hugged my body tightly. I swear if I took a deep enough breath, my breasts which were rather small, would burst. My heart raced as one of the maids slipped heels on my feet and ushered me towards Loki's room. I silently stood outside his door, waiting for the clock to hit seven. It was all too soon when he opened the door to see me standing there, in his colors, all gussied up, just for him. Loki's smirk was lustful and I cringed under his gaze. I no longer had any respect for this man. He was using me for his desires and I wouldn't let him pull me in again. I just couldn't.

"Angel, you look ravishing."

"Were the dress and heels really necessary?" I grumbled.

"First of all, you are mine for the day, so I can dress you in whatever I want. Secondly, is that any way to greet and address your king?"

"I'm sorry, my lord." My voice was on edge.


"Excuse me?" I looked at him in shock. "You've got to be joking."

"I ensure you, darling, that I am not joking, so if you please, kneel before me or I will have to punish you."

This was not the Loki I knew. This Loki was cruel and sadistic, obsessed with too much power.

I silently kneeled on the cold golden floor, the metal burning my flesh. However, I held my posture, and pushed aside the pain.

"Good girl. Now stand and come inside."

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