Chapter 3

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It was dark out as I left the palace in the direction towards the stables. The beautiful stars of Asgard shone like little crystals in the sky, and I watched them in awe before stepping into the building. Soft whinnies and the scuffing of hooves could be heard, and I slowly walked to the last stall. My gorgeous white Camarillo, Duchess, poked her head out of the stable door, gently nuzzling my hand as I approached. I hadn't seen her in months due to the fact that my family had just been offered the chance to live in the palace.

I grabbed all of my riding gear, placing the saddle and reigns on the horse, and leading her out to the path towards the training arena. Stepping onto Duchess' back, she went from a canter to a run in seconds. I reached the arena just in time to see my father pulling out swords and other weapons that we would be using in my lesson today. Tying Duchess next to my father's horse, I joined him in the center ring.

"Hey, bud. I'm glad you could make it!" He winked, tossing me a sword.

"I did too. I needed some time away from the bustling movement of the palace."

He breathed a deep sigh. "That's why I try and come out here every night to clear my mind."

"Mother still wonders why." I giggled.

"She just doesn't understand us, does she?" He placed a comforting arm around my shoulder.

"Not at all."

Loki's POV:

I heard voices as I stepped out from behind my favorite tree with my drawing book. I was furious after what Astrid had pulled on me at dinner, and I needed nothing more than to cool down. Drawing was one of the only things that could help me achieve that.

I watched intently as Astrid and her father, Tyr stepped out into the training arena. They were laughing and playing around with each other, and I begun to draw them. I tried to capture the exact relaxation on her face, and the loving look in her eyes, the action made me sad. I was jealous of her. Jealous of the close-knit relationship that she had with her father. All I ever wanted was to prove to my father that I could be king just as well as Thor could, but he would never listen. Only my mother really cared for my well-being, but at the time I never even noticed.

Watching Astrid with Tyr was painful. It made me feel more hatred towards Odin, though I knew I could never do anything about it. Going against the king was treason, and I would never even think about doing something like that. Besides, I needed to spend more time getting to know Astrid. I know she drives me crazy, and it was hilarious to jab and tease her, but something inside made me think that there was something more than just the joy that I got out of it. I didn't quite understand what it was exactly. Maybe some weird hormones, but I kept getting this weird feeling whenever I was around her..

Astrid and her father fought playfully, laughing and making jokes throughout the whole process. I didn't even think this was meant as a training session anymore. They were just a father and daughter who wanted to spend some quality time together.

"Dad, no, stop it!" She squealed as he reached in to tickle her. "I will fight you."

"You think that I don't know being tickled is your weakness?" He smirked.

"Yeah right."

"Do I need to test my theory?"

"No!" She was laughing hysterically, her icy blue eyes glimmering. "Please don't."

Tyr smiled and gently picked up his equipment.

"I won't do that to you, bud." I smiled at the nickname that he had called her since she was a baby.

"I know you won't."

"Now let's get back to the castle before your mother notices we're gone."

She laughed and the two jumped into their horses and raced back to the palace. I took one more look at Astrid, her lush blonde hair blowing in the wind, before glancing down at my sketchbook. All I saw was a beautiful girl looking back at me.

Astrid's POV:

As I gave my father one last hug goodnight, I quickly headed up to my room. Walking down the hallway past the kitchen, I paused, feeling hungry all of a sudden. I walked into the huge room feeling slightly uncomfortable. It was dead silent, probably because all of the servants went to bed. I quietly went to the fridge and shuffled through the drawers. They got to have something in here! Fruit? Maybe even an apple? I turned around, frustrated, and almost ran into Loki for the second time that night.

"Woah, slow down princess." He perched himself atop one of the counters. "Looking for something?" He caught my gaze, twirling a beautiful red apple in his hand.

"Where did you get that?" I hissed, my stomach growling in anticipation.

"That's for me to know and you to find out. Hungry?"

I couldn't let him have the satisfaction of making me suffer.

"No, I was just looking for something to munch on." My mouth watered as I continued to stare at the delicious looking fruit.

"Oh then you wouldn't die of hunger if I ate this?" He brought the apple to his lips.

"No!" I leapt forward, trying to grab it out of his hands, landing square across his lap.

He looked down at me, surprised, and began to laugh. I quickly scrambled off his lap, my cheeks burning a bright red.

"Wow you couldn't wait to get on top of me could you?"

"You're an asshole I hope you know that."

He laughed, looking at the apple again. "How badly did you want this?"

"Please, Loki, I'm starving."

He gently tossed me the apple and I took a giant bite, savoring its sweet taste.

"Thank you."

Did I just say that?

He looked at me confused. "Excuse me?"

I took a deep breath and repeated the impossible words again. "I said thank you."

What just happened?

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