Chapter 5 - The Game (Continued)

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~Jasper's POV~

Damn, what was she thinking!?" I screamed in my head.

A hat appeared on the table, my guess is that it has the cards. Emily walked over to the hat and took out the cards.

"Now then, here are the cards," she explained to the kids and held up the cards. "Everyone will have one. If it as nothing on it, then you are not the murderer, if you do have a card that says murderer on it, then you are the murderer and you must kill people to win. If you don't, then that will count as cheating and you will be punished."

I hate this, what happened to Emily? I knew something was up with her, but I never knew this is what happened. Why would she do this? She was always scared of having to play this game again, but now she's the one who made others play it! 

"Deep in thought?" Mr.Harmon teased.

I know I can't talk, so I might as well just stay quiet. I said to myself.

He smiled, which gave me a chill down my spine, and walked away to Emily.

The papers appeared in our hands and I opened it. I hope I am not the murderer. I pleaded to myself, hoping to not have to kill anyone anymore. I've played this game enough to know that it is horrible. 

The paper had nothing on it, thankfully, but that means that one of the children are the murderers, or the other three girls.

I saw Abby's eyes go wide.. She has to be the murderer, I guess.

"Lights out," Mr.Harmon spoke before all of the lights went out.

I got up and went towards the stairs, at least I hope I did, it is so dark that I can barely even see my own hands. I grabbed onto the wall, which felt rather weird like I was in a different house. I tried to go towards the staircase, but it wasn't there.

That's odd, I thought the staircase was right here. I wondered.

I kept walking around, still on to the wall, to the kitchen. At least I hope

"MMmMMm" I heard, I guess someone is getting murdered.

I walked towards the sound, running into objects that I never even knew were there. I almost forgot about my phone light, so I turned it on.

What the hell... Where.. Where am I? I questioned to myself as I walked around in circles. No.. It can't be, I thought... I thought Emily burned this place.

It was the mansion, Mr. Harmon's mansion. It had the same wall color when we played back when we were kids. I looked up and saw a few staircases leading all the way up to the fourth floor. 

I still started running towards the sound, waving the dim phone light in front of me, hoping to not run into anyone. Then, I found it. I found the dead body. Thankfully, I was not Kaden's, he is still alive...  I hope.

"I found a dead body!" I yelled.

Then we all appeared back in the living room. I looked around, trying to figure out who died. It was Jasmine who died. The murderer was nowhere to be found, I think. No one looked out of place, and no one had blood on them somehow.

"Now then, who was the murderer," Mr.Harmon asked like he didn't know.

I saw Abby raise her hand, I knew it. Abby killed people before, after all, she was the first one to be with Mr.Harmon.

We got the papers once again, and the lights went out.


Please point out any spelling errors as usual! ^-^

Word count; About 640. \(o3o)/ 

I type pretty fast, so this got done quicker than usual. I hoped you liked this chapter!

{Edited} (Kaden's POV is in the next chapter).

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