First day

790 37 1

I turn my key in my car. It doesn't start.


I check the time. 12:35pm. I pull the key out and blow on it. Okay, the cleanliness of the key has nothing to do with the car, but it's worth a try.

I stick the key back in and turn it to the right. I hear it start. Yes!

It's about a 10 minute drive to Kellies CDs so I have plenty of time.

I arrive there a few minutes early. I notice a new kid working. I have never seen him before. Jerry notices me walk in.

"Hey! Mary!"


"Okay, so, today I'm going to have you-" he stops his sentence as he pulls a big cart full of CDs Infront of me. "-Put all these CDs in the genre they belong my alphabet" he says as he slaps his hand on the pile of CDs.

"Alright!" I say happily.

"Oh by the way, this is Trevor"

"Hi" I say politely.

"This is Mary" jerry says

"Hey marry" Trevor says giving me a head nod.

Trevor has brown buzz-cut hair. He's not very cute, but he seems cool.

"Okay you could get started, if you need anything just holler!"


I grab the first cd. "Demeron" is the title. Under Rock/alternative. I look for the genre in the wide selection of CDs and find D. I slide it into the D section. Well, this is easy. I grab the next cd and is startled by a smooth voice.

"Hey newbie"

it was joe.

I let out a small laugh.


"How do you like it so far?"

"Well, for the 3 minutes I've been's alright" I say smiling.

He's one of those people where when you talk to him you cant stop smiling.

"That's good, and by the way you have to put them in by the authors name" he said.

"Oh, thanks dude you saved me from a big mess"

He smirked."I better get back to my work.nice talking to you...Mary" he smiled.

"You too joe"

He walked off. He was wearing black jeans that were sort of tight, the same work shirt as me, and black on black converse. I liked his style.

He was helping customers while I stacked CDs. Whenever he was In looking distance I caught myself constantly staring at him, but, I mean, he was staring at me too.

I think I'm going to get used of this job.

Joe trohmanWhere stories live. Discover now