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It was the last concert. Joe ran out on stage, and I could see the fire in his eyes. Right before he ran out he said he was getting too old for this. I felt sorry for him because I know he loves it all so much.

When they all finished, he ran up to me and kissed me.

"What was that for?" I smiled.

"I needed it." He was out of breath.


We took a plane to our old town we grew up in. He said he sent my car there.

When we arrived we drove to his old house so he could see his parents. His house looked exactly the same. The door creaked as we opened it.

"mom?" He called for her as he walked through the kitchen.

"Joe?" An older ladies voice called out. Then we heard footsteps and his mom was standing in the doorway.

"Honey!" She looked so happy to see him. She walked over to him, giving him a big hug.

"How was tour?" She asked.

"It was great. I missed you mom." He smiled.

"And whose this young lady?" His mom gave me a sweet smile.

"Oh this is Mary." Joe said, putting his arm around me.

"Mary greenfield!?" She said.

"Yep." I smiled.

"Well honey! How didn't I notice!? Its so great to see you!" She gave me a hug. I smiled at Joe.

We sat at the kitchen table drinking tea. "How's dad?" Joe asked.

His mom looked sad. "He's fighting honey. He's trying." His mom put her hand over his. 

"How long until he gets out of the hospital?" Joe asked.

She looked down into her cup of tea. "I don't know if that's gonna happen." Her voice had a crack in it.

Joe curled his lips in. "I'm gonna go see him." He said, standing up. He kissed his mom on the cheek and I gave her a hug bye and we drove to the hospital.

"You okay?" I said on the way to the hospital. Joe always had music on in the car, and he didn't now.

"Fine." He said, not moving a muscle.

"I'm here, if you wanna talk." I said.

He grabbed my hand and looked at me. "Thanks."

When we got to the hospital his dad looked worn out. All sorts of tubes hooked up to him.

"Hey son." He coughed.

"Dad, how are you?" Joe sat down next on the end of the bed.

"I've been better " his dad smiled.

Joe looked at him sad.

"Whose the girl?" His dad pointed at me.

I smiled. "Oh that's Mary." Joe smiled at me. "Remember Mary?"

"Of course!" His dad sat up a bit.

Joe talked with his dad for a while then we left.

"Sorry for dragging you around everywhere." He said.

"Its fine! I love seeing your family." I smiled at him.

"I wanna take you somewhere." Joe said.


"You'll see."

He drove and I watched him drive and looked out the window, trying to see where we were going. Then as we pulled into the parking lot of the CD shop I knew.

He smiled at me as we sat in the quiet, parked car.

"Let's go." He whispered.

We got out of the car and grabbed hands, walking in.

He reached for the door and pulled but it was locked.

"What the hell?" He said.

He pulled again. Still locked.

"Wait there's a sign." I said, walking towards the sign, reading. It read:

Sorry for the inconvenience but Kelly's CD Shop will be closing. Call 18003472239 to buy or rent the space and lot.

My body stood frozen, re-reading the sign, wishing it would change.

Joe ran his fingers through his hair, clenching a handful of hair at the top of his head.

"What the hell!?" Joe said, pounding his fist on the window. Then a short little man appeared in the store.

"Hey there's someone! Let's ask him about it!" I said.

Joe knocked on the door. The man walked over and unlocked the door.

"Sorry were not open anymore." The man tried closing the door again.

"Wait." Joe said, stepping into the store, I followed.

"Why are you closing?" Joe asked.

"Do you shop here or something?" The man said.

"No. I used to work here. We used to." Joe said.

"Oh. Well we are closing because we weren't making any money." The man said. "Wanna help with these boxes?" The man said, picking up a big box and putting it by the door.

Me and Joe grabbed boxes.

"How could you not make money? When we worked here it was the place to be! Everyone came here and bought stuff." Joe said.

"When did you work here?" The man said.

"Uh like 2004." Joe said.

"Well mr-" the man waiting for Joe to say his name.

"Joe." Joe said.

"Well, joe, this isn't 2004. No one wants CDs anymore. Everything digital now." The man said sadly.

"You can call me Elliot by the way." The Man said.

"Elliot, would you mind us just going to the back room over there. We just wanna see it." Joe said.

"Go ahead." Elliot kept stacking boxes.

Joe grabbed my hand and we walked to the door. He opened the back door and I walked in first.

My head spun with memories. He looked sad. All that was left in the room was the CD player on the floor. The tray was open and the Train cd sat in it.

Joe slowly walked over to it and pushed the tray in. He pressed play and skipped to track 4. Drops of Jupiter played. He grabbed my hand and smiled.

"One last time?" He smiled.

I nodded and he brought me close. We hugged and swayed back and forth to the song.

I loved him. I love him. I love him. I want to stay in this moment forever. I wrapped everything I've ever felt and everything I've ever loved and took it and poured it into this song and when the song ended I cried. I didn't know why. Everything was how I wanted it to be. But I was crying for a reason I couldnt find.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I just miss it." I said.


"Us. Just running around. And just working at this place. Listening to music in your car really loud. And everything." I wiped my tears.

"Who said we couldn't do that now?" Joe smiled.

"Well the CD place is closed." I said.

"I can work something out." Joe smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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