The date

852 28 35

I waited patiently for 12pm to come.

Finally it was 12 and joe was knocking at my front door. He was wearing a black polo, black jeans, and navy converse. Love it. I wore jeans and a blouse.

We went to his car, a black Nissan and he opened the door for me.

"So I was thinking TGIFRIDAYS?" He said as we sat in the car putting our seat belts on.

"Perfect" I replied. I love TGIFRIDAYS™. They have delicious food.

He pulled out of my drive way and turned up the radio. It was an oldies station. We drove down the parkway and arrived at Fridays.

"Are we allowed here? It's not Friday?" He said as a joke.

I laughed.

"Let's hope so" wow good one Mary. Not.

He opened the door for me and I walked Infront. The waitress seated us at a small table in the corner.

"So joe, what do you do? Besides work at the cd store?"

"I'm really into guitar"

"Oh that's awesome" I said as I took a sip out of my coke.

"Yeah me and my buddy pete are really Into this whole band thing...he likes bass...we just don't have a drummer or vocals"

I think that's so cool. A guy whose into music, it's so awesome.

"You'll find someone I bet! But, I'd love to hear you play guitar!"



"Do you wanna come over my house after? My parents are out of town for the could stop by and I can play for you?" He said.

"Dude yes!" I was actually excited to see him play.

The waitress interrupted our conversation. "Are you guys ready to order?"

We ordered our food.

"So Mary, are you going to a college this fall?"

"Yes, Virginia Tech"

"Oh wow that's a good one!"

"Yeah are you?"

He looked disappointed.

"I don't really know. Nothing special, probs community college...I'm not very good in school"

"Well that's all right! You can be a rockstar!" I said smiling.

"Haha I wish!"

Our food soon came and we ate. Then around 1:30 we left. We drove to his house which wasn't too far away.

He lived in an average size home. There were no cars in the driveway. He pulled out a key to unlock the backdoor to his house. Then let me go ahead of him.

Right when you walk in, there's a mud room where we took off our shoes and then you walk left into the kitchen. The house was cold but a good, refreshing cold.

"Lemme show you my room" he said.

I followed him up the stairs.

His room was a dark blue with black dressers and a bed with black blankets. In the corner, he had an electric guitar and acoustic.

"Pick one, electric or acoustic" he said standing. I sat down on his bed.

"Hmmm, acoustic!"

He picked up the acoustic and sat beside me on the bed.

He started smiling and put the pick in between his fingers and started strumming. I couldn't help but study his perfections as he twiddled his fingers along the strings, creating beautiful peaceful music. I felt a sense of love, as I stared at his eyes looking down at the strings he was playing. He started smiling and looked at me. He kept playing the same tune. He is gorgeous. He slowly came to a stop.

"Joe that was perfect"

"Thanks" his cheeks turned pink.

He looked me in the eyes. I want to kiss him. My heart started pounding. With the guitar in his lap, he leaned close to my face. Then, suddenly his lips collided with mine. I closed my eyes and felt his soft touch send me away to heaven. It was a short, yet beautiful kiss. As he pulled away he smiled. He began strumming the guitar again.

I could listen to him play for hours. I could watch him for longer. His hair curled in perfect strands, his blue eyes like the sky, and a smile like sunshine. He stopped after a few minutes.

"Want to watch a movie?" He asked.


"Okay I litterly have one movie in my bedroom and it's Spider-Man is that okay?" He said laughing.

"Yes" I don't mind a lil spider man action.

He slid it in the DVD player and jumped on the bed. He arranged the pillows, so they sat against the wall. I moved along with the pillows and he sat next to me. Then, pressed play.

We watched the whole movie and nothing happened, no holding hands, kisses, nothing. It's okay though.

We realized it had already been 5 o'clock and that my parents would be worried so we quick jumped off the bed. I called my mom to tell her I had went over to his house and she told me to make sure I'm home by 11 at night. Wow that's the latest my mom had ever let me stay out.

"Hey want to go for a walk?" Joe asked.


The air was warm and breezy. He lived on a nice street with a sidewalk. We walked along the side walk for an hour until we arrived all the way back to his house. We just talked and talked about anything and everything.

I felt completely comfortable around joe, like I could tell anything.

When we got back to his house he offered to drive me back to my house.

The sun started setting as we drive out of his driveway. My house was quite a ways away from his.

He turned up the radio and his oldies station was playing commercials, he changed it to the alternative hits channel. A familiar song came on. It was Drops of Jupiter.

"Oh I love this song" I said. Turning up the volume.

I started singing along.

"Now that she's back in the atmosphere-" I sang along loud.

He started laughing. Then he joined.

"Drops of Jupiter in her hair!!"

We were laughing hard. He turned it up we basically were screaming the song.

"Did you make it to milky way to see the lights all faded? And that heaven us overrated!!!"

There I was. Screaming the lyrics to drops of Jupiter with the boy I fell in love with in the cd store that first day.

"Did the wind sweep you off your feet? Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day!!" Joe shouted as I giggled at his goofiness. The song ended and he turned the volume down.

"Well know we know that we can sing screamo" he said.

We both laughed.

I noticed the familiar streets. He was close to my house.

We pulled into my drive way.

"That was really fun" he said while putting the car in park.

"Thanks for lunch! And showing me your guitar" I said sincerely.

"No problem."

"I guess ill see you at work"

"Yep I guess so"

"Cya later joe, thanks again!" I said as I opened the door.

"Cya Mary"

I gave him one last look and close the door. I walked into my house and ran into my room and jumped around my room in happiness. I'm in love.

Joe trohmanWhere stories live. Discover now