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I have off work today, Sunday, but I have work tomorrow. It's a late shift. I actually enjoy late shifts because I get to work in the back.

Today flies by. It consists of me lounging around, eating, watching TV, listening to music and tanning. I can't complain.

I wake up Monday morning with joe on my mind. Hopefully he has work tonight, I miss his smile.

All day I do nothing, like usual. At 7 I get dressed for work. Lately I've been dressing kinda like joe. I mean, not like joe but a girl that joe would be interested in. I had old black vans that I wore in 9th grade (I thought I was cool back then). They squished my foot but it was do-able. I slipped on black skinny jeans and then laced up my vans. I decided to just let my hair go natural, with long waves. I took a quick look in the mirror. Then, grabbed the mascara container and untwisted the top. I blinked a few times and brushed the end of mascara stick on my eyelashes. I realized I had my mouth open unusually wide. I started blinking furiously from my eyes drying out. Then put some blush on and I was out the door.

As I pulled into the cd shop I looked for Joe's car. Nothing. Damn it!

I opened the strangely heavy door and jerry saw me.

"Hey Mary. How ya doin?"

"Good how bout you?"

"Pretty good! So Mary, you're going to be in the back okay?"

"Okay!" I agreed and walked to the back of the store. I opened the door and no one was in there. Hmm. I looked at the clock on the wall. 7:21. 9 minutes early. I grabbed the box cutter off the shelf and headed towards the boxes. I stabbed the boxes with the cutter and slit it open. I loved seeing all the different CDs. There's so many different stories and genres behind each cd. I stacked a couple on the cart when someone opened the door. It was joe.

"Hey!" I said, still stacking CDs. I was so glad to see him.

"Hey Mary!" He walked over to me. "Want me to do the boxes and you stack?"

"Yeah sure"

"Oh by the way jerry said that If we get all the boxes done we can leave work early"

"Oh awesome" I looked over at the boxes, there were 15 boxes full of about 50 CDs.

He grabbed the boxes and started cutting open fast.

"Hey look!" He said tossing me a cd.

It was a train CD. From when we sang drops of Jupiter in his car!

"Oh man! Love that song"

"Here lemme see it." He said.

I tossed it back to him.

"I heard that there's an old CD player back here" he said scanning the room. "Ah! There it is!"

He pulled out a dusty, silver CD player. He wiped all the dust off it and set it near us. He opened up the cd.

"Joe I don't think we should open the cd, it's for the store" I said.

"Nah it's alright, if we get in trouble just blame me" he said spinning the cd on his finger. Then gently putting it in the CD player. He clicked a few buttons and then Drops of Jupiter came on. The volume was low, so only we can hear it. He walked towards me smiling.

We continued to work while Drops of Jupiter played.

"You know, I'm not one to like this kind of music, but this is purely a good song" he said lifting the boxes.

"I know! Me too!" I couldn't agree more with him.

"But tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet?" He sung with the song.

I giggled at him.

"And did you miss me while you where lookin for yourself out there?"He kept singing. He dramatically pretended to be singing into a microphone, although it was the box cutter in his hand instead.

"Your a dork, joe" I said laughing.

"Do you know the meaning of the song?" He asked.

"I think so...what is it?" I said.

"Well, the way I see it is a girl who left him to find herself in a better life. And he wrote this asking if she got what she wanted and when she came back he asked if she missed him while she was lookin for herself 'out there'" he said without looking up.

Wow. The way he perceived the song left me speechless. There was so much more to the song and to joe than I ever expected. He unconsciously kept opening the boxes.

"Joe, I never really thought of it like that." I said.

He just smiled and went back to work.

*2 hours later*

We finally finished doing all the boxes an hour earlier than our shift actually ended.

"Yes!" He said giving me a high five.

"Let's go tell Jerry!" We walked out of the back and told jerry we were finished. Jerry smiled and we proudly waited for him to let us leave.

"Alright guys you can go home. Good job!" Jerry said.

"Thanks so much!" We both thanked him.

Me and joe walked to our cars. Joe's was parked next to mine.

I approached my car door until joe spoke.

"Wanna go grab some ice cream, since we got out early?" He asked.

"Dude yeah!" I said happily.

"Alright hop in the 'joemobile'" he joked.

"Haha alrighty" I laughed getting in the passenger.

He pulled out of the parking lot going to a ice cream shop down the road.

"Here we are" we went and got ice cream comes.

We decided to eat outside. We took our ice cream and sat on the trunk of his car looking out to the stars.

I enjoyed my chocolate ice cream cone.


"Yea?" I said. Joe just looked at me.


"No! You can't do that! Tell me!"

"Haha no" he said.

"C'mon Joseph!" I said pushing him with my shoulder gently.

"Okay fine" he turned to me.

"Spit it out"

"I really like you Mary" he looked away. "You know, I shouldn't of said anything" he said jumping off the car and putting his hands in his back pockets.

I watched him circle around, nervously.

"Joe, no, I really like you too!" I said jumping off the car.


"Yep" I said.

He shifted his body so it was aligned straight infront of me. He slowly dragged his hand up and put it underneath my chin lifting it. I stood there looking up at him. Knowing what's going to happen next. He leaned in and gently touched my lips with his. He moved his head slightly so he could kiss deeper. I felt his hands cup my jaw. We kept kissing. Then, we both pulled away, somehow knowing the perfect time to. He looked at me for a few seconds.

"I better take you back to your car so you could get home."

"Yeah okay"

We got in the car and drove back to the cd shop parking lot.

He pulled up next to my car.

"Well, this is your stop" he said smiling.

"Yep. Thanks for the ice cream" I said

"Yeah no problem."

"Bye joe"

"Bye Mary" I opened the door and walked two steps to my car and got in. It was a lonely drive home, but at the same time I didn't feel so alone.

Joe trohmanWhere stories live. Discover now