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After the show they came running off and he smiled at me.

"Hey!" He said, out of breath.

"You did amazing!" I said.

"Yeah, its probably hard to see from behind the stage." He smirked.

We started walking behind the rest.

"So I just gotta grab a water bottle and change and then we can relax. Cmon." I followed him down a hallway and there was a door that said Joe trohman on it.

We went inside the room and he started chugging a water bottle and wiping sweat with a mini towel.

"How attractive is this?" He said sarcastically as he wiped his sweat.

"Very." I laughed and sat on the couch that was in there.

Then he unzipped the jacket he wore and took off his sweaty black T-shirt. I tried to not look too long as he took his shirt off but how could you not?

He put on a blue shirt that had some band name on it. he walked over to me and sat down on the couch next to me.

"Alright. So." He said. He set his feet up on the small table in front if us.

"I have your note." I said.

"Can I see?"

I pulled the folded piece of paper out of my purse and handed it to him. He unfolded it and read it.

As he was reading it someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Joe yelled.

The road manager walked in. "Hey we are ordering food now for the bus what do you guys want?" The manager said with a notepad and pen.

"Uhh I'll take a cheese burger and some mountain dew." He said. "What do you want?" He said to me.

"Uhh I didn't know I was-"

He smiled. "Just order something its fine."

"Okay I'll have the same thing as Joe." I said.

"Okay thanks guys." The road manager said and he closed the door behind him.

"You can come on the bus and drive to New Jersey with us if you want?" He said.

"What about my car?" I said.

"They will take care of that." He said.

I smiled and waited for him to get back on the topic of the note.

"Man, its crazy seeing this. I still remember when I was writing this." He said.

"When did you write this?" I asked.

"The day you stayed at college and I went back home. I ran up to my room upset and just wrote it. I knew you wouldn't see it until you were older. I actually thought you would never seen it." He said, folding the note back up.

I just sat, taking it all in. We both sat quiet.

"I missed you." He said so quiet, that it was almost a whisper.

I looked at him. "I missed you too."

He looked down at his hands. "Ya know, I thought you forgot about me."

"How could I ever forget someone like you, Joe?" I smiled, waiting for him to smile back at me. But he just kept twiddling his thumbs.

"What are you thinking about?" I said.

He looked up at me and smiled.

"I'm just so fucking happy." He laughed.

Seeing Joe be happy made me happy. And for the past ten years all I've felt is sadness. I felt misery, loss and constant nostalgia. I was happy now too. His bright blue eyes looked in mine and I felt refreshed.

He pulled out a cigarette. He asked me if I wanted one and I said no.

"Cmon let's go outside, they don't like the smoke."

We walked out behind the place. We stood by the garbage cans.

"So whats your job?" He asked.

"Uh, healthcare researcher and specialist." I said.

"Sounds sophisticated." He smiled.

"Its not the best job."

"Well I'm sure you make the best of it." He tapped the end of the cigarette, letting ash fall to the ground.

We leaned up against the wall. Both of our shoulders leaning on the wall, while we faced each other.

"your gunna have a lot more fun here with me if you stick around." He gave me a sexy smirk and puffed his cigarette, looking off to the sky as he blew smoke.

The last Joe I remember was the scrawny 19 year old who had only a few tattoos. But 29 year old Joe is smooth and sexy. I loved it.


We got on the buses. Pete and Joe shared a bus and Patrick and Andy shared. I didn't really get a chance to meet Patrick and andy.

When we got on the bus our food was sitting at the little kitchen table.

Pete was already sitting down eating slices of pizza. I was a little nervous to meet him.

"Hey!" He said, as he swallowed a bite of pizza.

"Pete, this is Mary, an old friend" Joe said.

I smiled. And Pete gave a friendly smile.

"Hello Mary."

"Nice to finally meet you, Pete" I smiled.

Me and Joe sat with pete.

Pete asked us a bunch of questions about when we met and all that stuff. Pete was cool and easy going. I felt like me and Pete had already been friends for years. Joe says he has that effect on people.

After we ate, Pete went right to bed and me and Joe hung out in the lounge part of the bus.

He sat across from me. The bus window behind him was flashing with street lights. He was sitting so still as if he was strapped to his seat. It was quiet, besides the occasional road bump. I watched him, he looked like he was thinking hard about something. Like he was in another world. He does that sometimes and I always take that opportunity to really appreciate him. To be able to study the place where his jaw meets his ears, or the way his eye lashes blink so quietly yet so beautifully and the way his hair falls a little in front of his forehead, and he has to keep pushing it back with his callused fingertips from playing too much guitar in one sitting. But my favorite part about him tonight was that he looked so happy, staring off into space. I wanted to know so badly what he was thinking.

"Jeez, sorry I kinda zoned out there." He said, snapping back to reality. "I guess I'm just tired."

"Its okay." I smiled at him. It was totally okay.

Joe trohmanWhere stories live. Discover now