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*joes pov*

It's only been 4 hours since I let Mary go, and I can't think straight. I think I did the right thing, you know telling Mary to go back to college. But, sometimes the right thing isn't the best thing.

I ought to call her soon, see how she's doing.

I sat on the edge of my bed, ready to grab my cell phone when a thought popped in my head. What if she doesn't want to talk to me, what if she's mad that I made her go back. Shit.

I still dialed her number and waited for her answer.


Maybe she's at class. I'll text her.

'Hey Mary, call me as soon as possible'

I gulped as I pressed send.

'Read 6:48'

What the hell! She read my message!

I dialed her number again and called.

Went straight to voicemail.

"Uh, hey it's Joe um I wanna talk call me back"

I hung up and sprawled out on my bed.

I thought about Mary, I thought about love, I thought about life. What the hell am I even doing with my life anyway. How could a smart, beautiful girl like Mary want anything to do with scum like me. No wonder she isn't answering. The thought angered me. I grabbed my pillow and whipped it at the wall, making a small noise.

Then my phone rang.

I hopped up and reached for my phone, but it was only Pete.

"Hey man" I answered.

"Hi wanna come over, I'm bored"

I didn't have time or a reason to say no so I said yes.

"Yeah sure I'll be over"

"Okay cool man"

"Cya in a few"


I hung up and threw on a shirt.

"Ma, I'm going to Pete's"

"Okay honey love ya"

I walked to my car.

But something stopped me as I reached for my door handle. I saw sitting in the back seat was Mary's jacket.

I quick hopped in the back seat and grabbed it. I couldn't help but hug it, enjoying her smell.

I mean, I gotta give this to her....

I guess I will drive it up to her...because she REALLY(sarcastically) needs this jacket.

I called Pete
"Uh hey Pete, I actually can't hang, my mom said I have to stay in with the fam, sorry"

"It's alright man, see ya"


I started my car and looked up directions to her college on my phone.

I will call my mom later and tell her I'm sleeping over Pete's.

It was a lonely drive down but I finally arrived. I hope she's not asleep.

I know what dorm she's staying in, she told me.

I walked through the dorm hallways and found her dorm room, 89.

I gently knocked on it. Then, a girl with blondish hair opened the door, must have been the roommate. And out the corner of my eye I saw Mary on her bed. My heart stopped.

Joe trohmanWhere stories live. Discover now