Kaleb Jacob Brown

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name | Kaleb Jacob Brown Congrats on having a normal name, but it isn't really a British name. I will be accepting if the era is Next Generation though as the name is getting more popular as time goes on. Sorry for rambling XD

gender | male Ok

ethnicity | australian Did they move to the UK then?

blood status | pureblood Right!

house | gryffindor Hopefully the traits match up

wand | 10", apple wood, unicorn hair, pliable Original, and not all rare either. Good job!

age | 16 5th year?

backstory | Kaleb grew up in a very accepting and open home that often joked and were genuinely happy most of the time, even when they found out that Kelly(younger sister) was a squib it was okay because she got to focus on her muggles sports which she loved. When Kaleb was eight he joined a wizard school which taught them the basics giving them an advance on their magic learning(they only accept four students a year) the programme lasted for a year, in which he met Hope, Leonardo and Emilie who he soon reunited with at Hogwarts. Wow, this is both original and really cool! I see nothing wrong with this.

love interest | Draco Malfoy Ok. A little cliché, but I'll let you off.

friends | Hope Thompson(OC), Leonardo Quinn(OC), Emilie Bello(OC), Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy( a secret friendship which only formed through their love for potions), Fred and George Weasley, Dean Thomas A good balance of OC and canon friends. The only thing I'd say is maybe have some more friends in other houses besides Draco.

enemies | Voldemort, Deatheaters(for obvious reasons), Pansy Parkinson (always with Draco), Crabbe and Goyle(thick which bothers him), Blaise Zabini(was in a relationship with Draco for like a week), Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil(make fun of him and gossip about him and his friends) Ok, cool! Still no sign of any Hufflepuffs or Ravenclaws though?

era | golden trio Ok. As I said, the name Kaleb wasn't popular in the UK back then (more so an American/other country thing) but that's fine because you probably didn't know.

relations | Lavender Brown is his cousin, as his younger sister, Kelly Brown, is mentioned on pottermore as her cousin Ok, cool. I haven't ever seen this before.

personality | he's very open and comforting always asking whether you're okay or not. he's optimistic and tends to see the good in people but he's not very trusting as he's a cautious yet courageous gryffindor. 

good traits | courageous, optimistic, genuine, open and sympathetic.

flaws | easily manipulated, struggles heavily the theory aspects of his subjects, ADHD Seems pretty balanced

hair | brown, short, fluffy Cute!

eyes | one blue and one brown Wow I've never seen this either

height | 5'9" Ok

extra features | a birthmark under his eye, heterochromia causing one of his eyes to be blue and the other brown, lots of light freckles and a nose ring. Nice!

anything else | not unless you have any questions for me to answer? That's fine

Kaleb really interests me as a character. I think you've explained everything really well too! He definitely seems original, but not in a Gary-Stu way. He has flaws, both with his looks and his personality, which is really good as they don't clash with the traits or the personality. His backstory is also amazing! The only thing I'd say is when writing, make sure the Draco relationship is made original and unlike any other, and also add some more house diversity. Thanks for entering my reviews!

Gary-Stu rating- 5%

Overall Grade- A-

A/N I'm gonna put this in all of the chapters, but I am currently taking members for my brand new book club. If you want to get your book recognised with some votes and constructive comments, go ahead and find the 'fanfiction book club' on my profile page and read the rules! Thanks!

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