Celeste Nox

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 Thank you! 

Name: Celeste Nox OK!

Gender: Female 

Ethnicity: Swiss Wow, awesome. Never met an OC from Switzerland before!

Blood status: Muggleborn I guess? She was a shadowhunter tho so she used to have Angel blood Ok, cool

House: Gryffindor Makes sense as she comes across as quite brave so far (being a hunter and all that)

Wand: 13" Hawthorn wand, with a Pheonix feather core, engraved with angelic runes 

Age in the book: 116 at the start of the book, though she died at 17 so... Wow Ok

Friends: Magnus Bane (my babe), Raphael (vamp dude) the marauders, Lily Evans, Marelene, Alice and Dorcas Sure, good mix of HP and other characters!

Era: Marauder's Era 

Relations: Never met any canon HP character before going to Hogwarts Ok

Personality: Loyal, stubborn, very violent, doesn't like to open up to the point she will hurt you if you make her talk about her past, once she opens up actually kinda cute, hella proud and kinda vain Nice. 

Good traits: Her loyalty and the fact she will die for her friends and when it really matters (i.e. life of her over life of someone else) she's selfless and self-sacrificing Loyalty is kind of a Hufflepuff trait

Flaws: Hella violent, will kill you and makes several violent attacks on mundanes throughout book, vain, stubborn, proud These flaws are definitely Gryffindor though 

Backstory: Born in Switzerland, 1860. Best friend and fiancé died in 1877, and she was turned. Soulmate (parabati) died a year after her. Attacked by demon in 1888 (picture Jack the Ripper style murder). Hated being a vampire (taught as a child vamps were evil, parents told her to kill herself and she tried. Scared of loving again after fiancé's death. Wow, this is a great backstory!!

Hair: Dyed black 

Eyes: Also black 

Height: Tall 

Extra features: she has fangs lol lol

Love interest: Remus Lupin ok

Anything: I mean she feeds off blood so maybe that's a flaw idk. Yeah, that's kinda a flaw

Thank you again!  

Okay, so I've never seen a story like this before, so I'm guessing it's pretty original. I love the way you've made the backstory original, once again, I've never seen anything like it. I think your book will turn out really good! The loyal trait is a bit more of a Hufflepuff thing, but that's ok as you can have traits from other houses too, so I'm just gonna look past it, but you could replace it if you really wanted. I'd also be interested to know where she gets the blood she drinks from. Does she take it from other people?

Mary Sue Rating- 5%

Grade- A

A/N I'm gonna put this in all of the chapters, but I am currently taking members for my brand new book club. If you want to get your book recognised with some votes and constructive comments, go ahead and find the 'fanfiction book club' on my profile page and read the rules! Thanks!

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