Chapter 5: Two Princess Leias

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<Author note: This chapter takes place in 'our dimension' with the 'alternate dimension' characters.  I will try and post this at the beginning of every chapter just to keep folks in the right head space when reading.  Feedback always appreciated.>

"Will you relax, Doc?" Maggie said quietly as she and Alex walked down the hallway toward the DEO Command Center.

"I can't relax. I'm in the DEO." Alex put two fingers to her neck, taking her pulse. "My heart is racing. I feel like somehow my parents are just going to know I'm in here and they'll call."

"You're and adult, and you're worried your parents will call and yell at you? Wait, you're a doctor, and you're worried your parents will call and yell at you?"

"Oh, I don't care if they yell," Alex replied. "They call and say, 'Alexandria, we're very, very disappointed in you. I thought we raised you better.' Parental disappointment is the worst."

"If you say so. My parents think I'm an FBI agent. They couldn't be prouder." When Alex glared at her, Maggie added, "Hey, I have some good news for you. Not only won't your phone work while you're down here, your parents are on another dimension. I bet your calling plan doesn't cover that."

"That's true."

"Ma'am," another soldier said as they walked by Alex and Maggie.

Maggie nodded, and Alex avoided eye contact.

"Let's just get what we need and get out of here. When they made me put my hand on that panel and get my retinas scanned, I thought I'd pass out. How do these people even have my retina scans?" Alex asked.

"We're the DEO. We know...EVERYTHING," Maggie said as she leaned in close and laughed.

"Stop it," Alex said pushing Maggie away.

Maggie just laughed more as they entered the Command Center. Gesturing with her head toward someone leaning in front of a console and typing, Maggie said, "That's my guy."

"Which one?"

"Good jaw, spikey hair."

"The one not in uniform?" Alex asked. "He looks short."

"I'm short. Why isn't he in uniform?" Maggie shook her head. "Maybe he got called in on his day off. Follow me. Make like a bookend so I can talk to him."

As Winn stood leaning forward typing, someone came up on either side of his shoulders. He looked left and then right, seeing Maggie and then Alex. He went back to what he was doing, but they remained there, obviously wanting something. He looked over at Alex who met his eyes with an odd look of anxiety. Turning to his left met him with Maggie's ready smile.

"Ladies," Winn said. "Do you need something?"

"Sure do," Maggie said. "Can you take twenty?"

"Twenty what?" Winn asked.

"Twenty minutes, Winn," Maggie clarified.

"Well, I uh...I guess so. I just need to finish up a few things."

"Great. Meet us in sparring room five," Maggie whispered into Winn's ear.

Winn brushed away the tickle at his ear, but then his eyes flew wide open. A hand had cupped his butt, then squeezed firmly. Fingers frozen above the keyboard, he didn't move at first, then looked over his shoulder seeing Maggie and Alex walking away. Swallowing hard, he locked his console while he quietly said to himself, "Please let it be both of them. Please let it be both of them."

Winn arrived in sparring room five about twenty seconds after Alex and Maggie. The door opened, and he fairly tripped over himself as he stumbled into the room. Standing upright, he pulled his shirt straight and nodded at them both.

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