Chapter 14: Fido

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<Author note: This takes place in the other dimension with the characters from our dimension.>

"You're sure she said she'd call and then she'd come over?" Alex asked, pacing the apartment.

"For the hundredth time, that's what Kara said, Alex. She said she'd talk to Lena, then she'd call, then she'd come over and get Winn." Maggie looked down at the cellphone in her hand, pushing the button to make the screen light up once again. Her phone still worked. It worked every time she did that. That wasn't the problem. The problem was Kara. Something had happened to Kara.

"Well, maybe she—"

"Alex, it's Kara. When she told Lena, things didn't go according to plan. She needs a rescue."

"No, she—"

"Alex!" Maggie stood up, a hand on her girlfriend's shoulder. "Baby, I'd love to hug this out and be really comforting right now, but we're stuck here. We've kidnapped Winn from the DEO, and now Kara is lost. We've got to pull it together. Right now it's just you and me and we've got to rescue Supergirl from the Luthors and FUCK that sounds awful now that I said it out loud. Okay, we can do this. We can do this, right?"

Alex nodded. "We can do this. Thanks, Mags. Okay, what do we do with him?"

When Alex and Maggie looked at him, Winn suggested, "Maybe I can help? The DEO doesn't like the Luthors, and we have tons of information on them."

Alex and Maggie stared at Winn then looked at each other. Together they said, "No."

"No?" Winn asked.

"No," Maggie said. "Sorry, Winn, but we can't trust you. We're going to...ah...Alex, what are we going to do?"

Alex reached into the med kit on the table, pulling out a syringe and a small bottle of liquid. "Clonazepam," Alex said. "How much do you weigh Winn?"

Wh...what are you going to do with that needle?"

"I think 180," Maggie said.

"Why does that matter?" Winn asked. "I don't like needles."

Alex pushed on the plunger of the syringe, forcing some of the clonazepam to spurt out of the top. She grabbed her pistol from behind her back and said, "Winn, I can either shoot you with this..." She held up the needle. "...or this." She held up the pistol. "Lady's choice. You choose."

"Needles aren't that bad," Winn said, his head ticking to the side.

"Smart boy," Alex replied, stabbing him with the needle.

"Ouch," Winn said slowly and quietly. "Do I at least get a lollipop this time?"

"You won't be awake long enough to enjoy it," Alex replied. "Sleep well, Winn."


"You're sure we're going to be able to get into L-Corp?" Maggie asked Alex as they drove down the road.

Alex shrugged. "I'm family. I assume so. I'm here to see my sister-in-law."

"Except she's not your sister-in-law and she knows that now," Maggie pointed out.

Alex's brow creased. "Maybe not. We know Kara went to tell Lena who she was. We don't know that we've been outed. If we're lucky, Lena took Kara out before Kara got much further than, 'I'm not your wife.'"

Glancing at Alex out of the side of her eye while she made her way down the city streets toward the downtown, Maggie replied, "Okay, but there's one thing I don't get. How did Lena take Kara out? I mean, how does she get the jump on her? Kara had to know Lena might react badly. She had to be ready for her. Kara is Supergirl. It's not like Lena can smack her upside the head with her purse or something. Explain this scenario to me."

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