Chapter 13: Two Dialysis Machines and a Crapload of Liquid Nitrogen

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<Author note: This takes place in our dimension with the characters from the other dimension.>

"Alex, relax," Kara said as she leaned against the wall in the DEO. "I've got you."

Alex squirmed, adjusting her gear for the...she'd lost count. She might look like a secret agent in this, but she felt totally out of her element. "How can I relax?" Alex hissed back. "Not only am I in the DEO, but you're in the DEO now. Mom and Dad are going to kill me. This is like their biggest fear. Do you know how many injunctions were filed to stop this exact thing from ever happening?"

"Actually, I do," Kara replied with a grin. "I have an awesome wife with incredible high-powered lawyers. That's just one of her super powers. Do you want to know another one?"

"Please, don't tell me about your sex life."

"It's really good. There's this thing she does with her—"

"Listen up everybody!" J'onn strode into the command center, looking around the room as he spoke. "We've been made aware of some chemical weapons that will be moved from one secure location to another today. They'll be less stable while in transport, so this is chancy, but our odds of being able to breach their defenses successfully while they are secured are minimal at best. We can assume several losses. This is our best bet to capture the weapons without loss of life. Now, everyone has been given their assignments. We have two transports moving out, and will have Alpha and Beta teams. Agent Danvers and I will take Alpha team and move to the closer location, here." On a display, a map appeared, with a red dot. "Agent Ramirez will be in the chopper group leading Beta team. Supergirl, you're with them. Mr. Schott, you'll remotely coordinate tactical from command. Any questions?"

Alex was looking over her shoulder, eyes wide as she stared at her sister.

"I'm with Agent Danvers," Supergirl said.

"Excuse me?" J'onn replied.

"Which word didn't you understand? I'm with Agent Danvers," Supergirl repeated, holding up a finger with each word until she had four fingers raised.

"What are you wearing?" J'onn asked as he looked at Supergirl.

"Uh...DEO uniform. Is that a problem?" Supergirl replied, gesturing to the black uniform she'd borrowed from the Alex Danvers collection.

"No, but where's your costume?" J'onn requested, eying her oddly.

"The wash. My dryer is on the fritz, and it wasn't dry so..." She shrugged.

"You're dryer is on the fritz. Huh."

"Yeah, so like I said, I'm with Alex, Agent Danvers."

"Supergirl, is there a problem?" J'onn asked.

"Yeah, your pizza sucks. What kind of cheese is this, cheddar?" Supergirl picked up a piece of pizza and tossed it back in the box again. "Everyone knows you make pizza with mozzarella cheese."

After staring at Supergirl for a moment, J'onn said, "Agent Danvers, may I have a moment please?" Alex followed J'onn off to the side. "Alex, what's wrong with your sister? She's behaving rather aggressively. Is there any chance that Red Kryptonite is involved?"

"Red Kryptonite?" Brows creased, Alex shook her head. "No, Sir.'s woman things."

"Woman things," J'onn repeated.

"Yes, Sir. You see, a woman's body relies on three critical hormones, progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone, to stay healthy and in balance. However, estrogen levels are generally low during the initial days of a woman's cycle. They then surge later, causing a release in endorphins which—"

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