Chapter 16: Can't You Just...Do Science?

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<Author note: This takes place with the characters from our dimension in the other dimension.>

Kara blinked, opening her eyes again as a bright light shone down upon her. She'd done it before though she wasn't sure how long ago that was. At the time she felt awful and had decided that this conscious thing wasn't all it was cracked up to be. This time she felt stronger, more like herself, though not back to full strength. The truly awful was gone, and even lousy was now a distant memory. If she had to describe her condition, she'd put it under the header of 'tuckered out.'

"She's waking up."

Kara knew that voice. That was...Lena! She'd come to tell Lena the truth and Lena had attacked her somehow, some kind of trapped box that hit her with a Kryptonite mist. Sitting up suddenly, Kara's head struck the light lamps that bore down healing energy on her. She looked left and right around an unfamiliar room of silver electronics, her heart racing.

"Kara, easy, easy. You're okay. We've got you," Alex said, hands on her sister's shoulders. "How do you feel?"

"A...Alex?" Kara asked, grabbing her sister by the elbow to steady herself both physically and emotionally. "You found me."

"Of course I did," Alex replied with a smile as Kara leaned heavily into her, breath gasping. "Did you think we wouldn't kiddo?"

"I..." Kara sighed, taking in the overwhelming comfort that her sister's presence provided. "I tried to talk to Lena, but she attacked me before I had a chance. It all happened so fast. I couldn't do anything, couldn't call for help. I thought I was going to die. I was so scared." As Kara looked up, tears ran down her cheeks.

"Hey." Alex shook her head, wiping away Kara's tears with a thumb while she rubbed at blonde hair. "Not on my watch. You've got a big sister. You don't ever forget that, okay?"

"Okay, Alex," Kara replied in a shuddering breath. "So what happened?"

"Can you stand up?" Alex asked Kara, then turned to look over her shoulder and asked, "Can she stand up?"

"She should rest more," Lena replied. "She isn't up to full strength. She'll feel better if she lays down for another hour or so, but she's all right. She'll heal fully on her own by the morning. If she's a stubborn, pigheaded, idiot, as I think she might be, she can get up."

When Alex looked down at her again, Kara said, "I want to get up."

"Shocking," Lena muttered.

"How'd you find me?" Kara asked, standing on mostly steady legs as she still held her sister for varying types of support.

"When you didn't call back, we came looking for you," Maggie said, swinging into view. "We knew you went to talk to Lena, so we came to the lab. We figured it went badly."

"Very," Kara agreed.

"Yeah, it almost went badly for us too, and that was before she knew who we were. Well, for me," Maggie added. "I think she actually likes me better now that she knows who I am." Maggie looked over at Lena who gave a slight shrug. "Anyway, we got here, talked to Lena, she finally showed you to us. While Alex distracted her, I was able to open up your display case, Barbie. You're no longer mint in the box."

Slightly confused by Maggie's turn of phrase, but understanding she was rescued, Kara said, "Thanks. So, um, Lena is up to speed on everything now?"

"Yup," Maggie replied.

"Great, so she'll help us?" Kara asked.

Maggie and Alex looked at each other, neither responding.

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