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I wake up the next morning to hear the front door slamming shut. I get out of bed and slowly make my way to my bedroom door as I walk down the long narrow hallway, down the stairs towards the front of my house. 

"Hello?" I yell.

I waited for a couple of seconds for a response, but I didn't get one. I walked through my living room and around  into the kitchen. I looked around to find that no one was here. 

"Hunter?" I softly yelled once more to make sure he wasn't here. 

I never actually saw Hunter last night, so I assumed he came after I was asleep, or spent the night at a friends house. 

I got my brother out of my thoughts and made my way back upstairs to get ready for the day.


I get out of my car and adjust my dress, and grab my bag out of the back seat of the car. 

I walked through the doors to school to see that there were barely any people around the halls. I checked my phone for the time, and to see that I am ten minutes late for class. 

I cursed under my breathe and started walking fast towards my first class. I jogged through a couple hallways until I arrived to my first classroom. 

I opened the door to my English room, and have all eyes suddenly glance towards me. My teacher signals me a look that says 'sit down now' as she stopped her lesson. I stare around the room for a while to finally see an empty seat towards the back of the room. I drop my gaze to my feet and begin my walk to the back of the room with all eyes still facing me.

I already knew this was going to be a long and tiring day.


School is finally over and I am on my way back home alone. Usually I would have Hunter here with me in the car, but of coarse he didn't show up. I continued my drive home with soft music playing in the background. I pull my car up the curb in front of my house and start to wak up the gravel driveway. 

I walk into the cold empty house and walk up the long stair case up to my room. I slump down on my bed and bury my face into my pillow. I sigh in fustration and get up resting my back against my headboard. 

I suddenly hear the door splam from downstairs. I immidiatly get up from my bed and walk down the narrow hallway. 

"Hello?" I yell, walking step by step down the stairs.

I walk further down the stairs and see Hunter rapidly walking towards the stairs.

"Hey," I said softly and starting to walk back up the stairs.

"Hi," He answered me, but still looking down at his feet as he caught up to me. 

"Where have you been?" 

"Why the hell do you care?" He snapped back, turning the opposite way down the hallway.

"Because you're my younger brother, and I care about you." I tell him while following him down towards his room.

"You don't need to look after me. That's what mom and dad are for."

"You know they don't look after us anymroe Hunter." 

"Don't say that," He spit back, slamming his bedroom door in my face.  

He knows that they honestly don't care about us anymore, that's just how it is now. My parents now just seem to care about each other and their occupations.This is probably the reason he is acting so distant now, it never used to be this way. I've gotten to the fact where I don't need my parents to look after me now, I have my boyfriend in my life and thats all I really need. 

I walk towards the other end of the hallway and walk into my room. Luckily this year is my senior year, and it shoud be really easy, well all my classes except math. Luckily, I have had no homework so far and that is pretty surprising. All my past years I have at least had some homework the second day of school.

I lay my head back on my pillow and slowly start to drift off to sleep for a quick nap. 

wow this chapter was horrible

sorry i am just trying to get through all the fillers so i get to all the good stuff. okay next chapter i promise will be better.

Falling Slowly | Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now