twenty two

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I woke up Saturday morning to the light streaming through my sheer curtains. It took my eyes a while to adjust to the sudden light since it was so bright out. It looked really nice outside, for an almost winter day. October was coming up soon, and that when it started to get cold. I started to sit up in my bed, but then I realized that something was holding me back. Luke's arm was wrapped around my stomach, holding me tightly.

I forgot all about Luke being here with me. I didn't even think he would actually spend the night with me. All I remember was sitting up against the headboard on my bed last night, and falling asleep next to him. I guess it was just getting late, so he decided to crash here. We spent all afternoon yesterday watching movies, and just doing random things around the house. Luke was here for me yesterday, all day, and didn't leave. He was here when I needed him most, and I was so thankful for that.

"Luke." I said, rubbing his arm to try and get him to wake up. I didn't even know what time it was, but it seemed pretty late in the afternoon. I turned my body to see that it was around 11 in the morning. I felt refreshed sleeping this late, because I haven't in a long time.

"Luke." I said again, picking his arm off my stomach. I thought that would wake him up, but it didn't. His head was buried in the pillow beside me, and hugging all the blankets around him.

"Wake up!" I said a little bit louder, rubbing his back.

"Scar?" He asked, his eyes opening and closing. His hair was all ruffled up at the top, as he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands. His voice was filled with exhaustion, causing his accent to stick out more.

"Hi," I whispered, snuggling into the crook of his neck.

"Hey, how'd you sleep?" He asked me, wrapping his arms around my body again.

"Good, I feel much better." I truthfully said. I really was feeling better, thanks to Luke for staying here with me.

"Good." Luke said, pulling me closer towards him.

We layed there together in silence, with our arms wrapped around each others. I didn't know whether Hunter knew he stayed over, or if my parents even knew he was here. My parents have met Luke before, but probably didn't think he would ever be back here after I told them he moved. I told my parents everything that happened between Luke and I, only because they were wondering why he was never around more. When I told them we broke up, they didn't really care. They both said I was young and would get over it, but I didn't.

"Does Hunter know you are still here?" I asked, breaking the comfortable silence between us.

"I'm not sure actually," He laughed softly. "After you fell asleep, I went looking for him in his room, but I didn't see him, so he must have left."

"Oh," was all I had to say back. I didn't know why Hunter would leave since Luke was here, which was weird. I don't know where he could have gone, but I guess it's none of my buisness.

"I also locked your door to make sure your parents wouldn't walk in to see me here." He said, followed by a laugh.

"Thanks." I said, wrapping my arm tighter around him. I'm glad Luke stayed here with me, and slept with me. I didn't want to be here with anyone else right now, but him. I just wanted Luke's presence here with me to keep my company. I don't know how I would feel without him here, I would probably be a mess.

"Are you doing anything today?" Luke asked, licking his lips.

"I have to work at 3 since I didn't go in yesterday." I sighed, remembering how I offered to work an extra shift today. I usually wouldn't have to work so early in the afternoon, but I decided I would since I didn't want to work yesterday.

Falling Slowly | Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now