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I am greeted by the warm Cape Cod wind, as I walk out of the double doors at the back of my school. The first week of school is finally over with, and I couldn't be more happier. I walk through the parking lot until I arrive at my car. Once I sit down, and place my bag in the passenger seat, I speed out of the parking lot not bothing her to wait for Hunter. I haven't drove him home all week, so he obviously wasn't coming today.

I drive slowly throughout the small neighborhoods, enjoying the senery as I finally reach my own. I pull up on the curb in front of my large house and turn off the car. I grab my bag and start to walk up the driveway. As soon as I reach the steps leading up to my door, I hear my phone start to ring inside my bag. I reach through my bag, pulling out and answering the phone without checking who it was.

"Hey babe," They boy on the other side said. I already knew it was Tanner by the sound of his voice.

"Hey," I said, smilng to myself and jamming my  key into the lock to open the door.

"Got any plans tonight?"

"Yeah I have to work at six," I sighed not wanting to go to work tonight.

"Want me to pick you up and bring you?"

"Yeah, that would be great! Thanks babe," I answered, walking into my house and locking the door behind me.

"See you later," Tanner said, and hung up before I could say anything back. Tanner and I haven't been dating for that long, only since the middle of July. We met through mutual friends, and have been close to each other ever since. He is known as one of those 'popular' guys in highschool, but that wasn't the first thing that came to my mind when I met him. Ava told me I shouldn't go for a guy like him because he is known as a total asshole, but he is the total opposite. 

I walk through my living room to see if anyone was home, but of coarse nobody was. I don't know why I still even bother to wonder around the house to check for anyone because no one is ever here until late at night. I was used to coming home to an empty house, hearing nothing but the kids outside, or the sound of cars speeding down the road. I walk back towards the front of my house and up the long staircase. When I reach the top of my stairs, I head straight for my room, and lay back on my bed waiting for my shift to start tonight. 


I make my way downstairs hearing numerous amounts of knocks on the front door. I lazily open the door to find it to be my boyfriend Tanner. I smile and reach out and wrap my arms around his neck. He leans in and gives me a quick kiss to my lips and pulls out of the hug.

"Ready to go?" He asks, stepping inside.

"Yeah, let me just get my bag," I answered, reaching over the counter to grab my bag.

We walk out of my house hand in hand, and down the driveway to his car. I get into the passenger seat of his car, lean my head against the window as I usually do, and start to head out of my neighborhood. 

The ride to my work seemed unusually very long, knowing that it is only about ten minutes away from where I live. 

"See you at nine?" I ask Tanner getting out of his pick up truck.

"Yup!" He answered, leaning over and giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

I give him one last wave, and headed into the small hidden cafe that I work at. 


"You're off in ten minutes." My boss yelled to me from the kitchen.

I rest my elbows against the front counter, and wait if there are any last pick ups for the day. I watch my co-workers around the room clean off their last tables, and get ready to leave. Since I am just a hostess, there isn't really anything for me to do unless someone comes in, so it gets pretty boring around here sometimes. 

Falling Slowly | Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now