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I spent the last twenty minutes walking up and down this haunting road. My head is spinning from all the events that had just recently occured. I have never thought this moment would happen. You would always read about this kind of stuff in the books, but never actually think it would happen, right? Well, it does happen, with someone you never thought would hurt you. 

I don't know how I am going to get home, I'm too scared to pull my phone out of my bag and ask someone to pick me up. I'm too embaressed to mention this to anybody including Ava because she was the one that warned me about him in the first place. 

It is pitch black outside and I honestly have no idea where I am, or how I'm going to get home. The stinging on my check, and pain in my wrists are slowly starting to fade away. For once I am thankful that I live in a small town, because my house shouldn't be far from here. 

It's almost eleven at night by now, and I still have no idea where I am headed. I know I haven't made it that far because I am too dizzy to walk, and my head is spinning too much for me to think. 

I arrive to a familiar park, and find a small wooden bench to sit at. As I sit down, the bench is cold, sending shivers down my body. I pull my thin jacket closer to my body in hope of getting me warmer.  I pull out my phone, and attempt to call the person I need most right now .

"Hunter?" I talk into the phones, my shaking hands trying to hold the phone still. 

"What?" He asked, sounding annoyed as usual. 

"I need you to pick me up please," I plead, hoping he will help me for once. 

"I can't, I have stuff I need to do." He answered in a monotone voice. 

"H-hunter, please this is important. It's almost midnight on a Friday, there isn't anything you need to be doing right now," I stutter. 

 Before I could say anything else, he hung up.

Of coarse he did, I knew he wouldn't help me out but a part of me was hoping that he would care. After waiting a while, I decide to start walking down the empty sidewalk, and begin my way home.


After walking a little under a mile, I am finally walking up the steps to my front door. I notice that all the lights are off, except for Hunter's. 

I shut the front door behind me, trying not to make any noise to wake my parents up. I didn't think my parents were actually going to be home, but I saw their cars parked in the driveway.  

I walk up the stairs and down the hall to the guest room to see Hunter playing video games or some shit. 

"What the hell?" I slightly yell, causing Hunter to flinch and turning around to face me.

"What now?" He asks, obviuosly annoyed that I interupted him. 

"I called you over and over again for you to pick me up, and you said that you were 'busy'. You obviously weren't fucking busy!" 

"What was so bad that you needed my help with anyway?"

My head shot up by the words that just left his mouth. I was speechless, and I knew that I couldn't tell him what really happened. I just coudn't face anyone and tell them the truth, I would just embaress myself and nobody would even believe me. 

"See, you're not even going to tell me what happened, so obviously you're just overreacting like you always do."  

I stare over to him, and think of all the events that had happened earlier today. I could not possibly tell him what had happened, or did i even want to. 

"I'm your fucking sister! When I called and asked for help you could have just come and picked me up and not even ask for an explanaton, you should just do it! You know I would do it for you."

"And I told you I was busy." Hunter said, glancing away from me returning his eyes to the TV. 

"You were not fucking busy!" I yell louder, not even caring how late it was.

"What is with all the yelling?" My mother says in a hushed voice, coming around the corner in her robe and slippers. I haven't even seen my mom in while, I even sometimes forget that she is here. 

"Scarlet is sneaking home from her boyfriends house this late. She tried to be quiet so no one would see her, but that obviously failed." 

I snap my head over in his direction, my face fuming from all the anger rushing through me. Hearing the word 'boyfriend' reminded me of Tanner. Great. Just another thing that reminded me of him, and what he had done earlier. 

"That's n-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because my mom interupted me. 

"Oh yeah, Tanner right?" She asked more in a questionable tone. She took a seat on the stool that was placed by the door. I look back over to Hunter, and his face seemed to have shifted from a smirk, to more of a confused look.

"Y-yeah." I stutter, wanting to forget all about him.

"Oh, how is he doing? I haven't seen him in a while." My mom answered, getting more interested in the conversation.

"Scarlet is coming home at 2 in the morning from her boyfriends house, and all you are asking is how he is? Hunter interupts, and for once I am glad he spoke up because I want her hear what my mother has to say. 

"I have nothing to worry about with Scarlet. I know she is very responsible, and I know that Tanner is a wonderful boy." My mother says, starting to stand up from the seat she was in. She adjusted her robe, and started to walk back down the hall to her room. 

I was in utter shock from what she had just said. She basically doesn't know shit about Tanner, and she basically said she doesn't care what I do. I thought when Hunter said that I had come home from a boys house that she would care, but now i know she obviusly doesn't. My mouth is still dropped in shock from what she had just said, and Hunter seemed to look just as confused as me at this point.

Before she made it down the hall fully, she turned around to say one last thing.

"Next time, just try not to wake anyone up." Then turned her head, and walked right back into her room. 

"See Hunter, I told you they don't give a shit about what we do anymore." I sighed. I really actually knew that they didn't care about us anymore, but actually witnessing it, hurt way more.

"Yeah, I kind of figured that out. Now stop reminding me, and fuck off." He said in a harsh tone. I never actually thought my own brother would be this mean to me. We had always been so close, and now it is the total opposite.

Tonight was the night where I lost the most important people that I had in my life, and it's probably only going to go downhill from here.

okay so yay i finally updated. this chapter was just backgroud information about how her brother is an ass and her parents don't really give a shit . 

wasn't that great of a chapter but expect something coming in the next few chapters :-) 

Falling Slowly | Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now