Chapter Seven - And So We Fight: Part Two

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London, England, 1939

Joe Jr., Kick, and Jack walk down the stairway, suitcases in hand. Joe Sr. said goodbye to his wife and smaller children last week. He was happy knowing that the U.S. wasn't entering the war anytime soon, Joe Sr. was going to finish up law school at Harvard, Kick said that she had a girls' school in mind to keep her occupied and was still considering helping out at the red cross and hadn't ruled out a return to London. Meanwhile Jack was going to start law school a published author, with a bit of coaxing, which in Joe Sr. talk meant money, Jack had his college thesis published, it was called Why England Slept.

Joe Sr. was comforted by this early show of potential, and it helped him categorize his children more efficiently, with Joe Jr. the straightforward politician and Jack the Bohemian journalist. It would look good when his eldest was in the White House, for the appearance of the president's family was almost as important as the appearance of the president.

"Off so soon?" Joe Sr. loves to joke with his beautiful Golden Trio, his ticket to the future.

"I'm sorry we have to go, Papa. To leave you all alone here!" Kick smiles and kisses her father on the cheek.

"It's better this way."

As Kick walks away, he turns toward his two eldest sons, "I doubt I'll be here much longer."

"It can't be that bad, Dad." Joe Jr. never sees his father's faults, but Jack knew he would be in deep trouble with Roosevelt after he publicly supported Chamberlain. It was political suicide, and he has already been pushing his luck.

"I'm sorry, Dad." says Jack, and he is. He knows how much this job meant to his father.

"Nothing is confirmed... yet. But Roosevelt's been on my ass lately and I can see his agitation growing with every move I make."

His sons look at him sympathetically, but Joe Sr. isn't the type of person to accept sympathy.

"Now go on," he said, a hint of sadness in his voice, "You don't want to be late."

It had been suggested that Joe Sr. take his children to the dock, but he couldn't bring himself to say goodbye to his children. He knew that Joe Jr. was already considering the Air Force of the Navy, and Jack wouldn't be far behind. At least Joe Sr. could rest easily knowing that there was little chance Jack would pass his physical, therefore he would be assigned to a desk job. It comforted him, especially since Teddy and Bobby were too young, and he doubted the war would rage long enough for them to be eligible to join.

"Well, we should be going." says Joe Jr., he hugs his father, and Jack hugs him next. Kick stands at the doorway and motions with her head for her brothers to come along. They walk over to her and Kick opens the door, a burst of light comes through, and Joe Sr. watches the Golden Trio walk into the sunlight, and suddenly he feels complete.

Washington, D.C., 1940

"We've stalled long enough, Mr. President. Kennedy has to go!" Harry is yelling at Franklin yet again about Joesph Kennedy.

He sighs, "I don't have enough reason."

Harry scoffs, "Don't give me that bullshit. He publicly supported Chamberlain against your wishes and deliberately ignored your opinion on Hitler. Not to mention the fact that it's rumored he's an anti-Semite! His own son went on a trip to Germany and reportedly praised Hitler! We can't have a man like that representing us abroad or involved in government period. I will never understand how he gained your trust!"

"He didn't!" Franklin yells. Harry jumps back, and Franklin remembers himself. He lowers his voice and continues, "Kennedy contributed a considerable amount to my campaign, I had to repay him, and I did when I made him chairman of the SEC, but then I realized that he was a valuable player. Even if he failed us on several occasions his family charmed the socks off London and his little Golden Trio is still making headlines. He was a publicity boost. I have compiled enough evidence against him, I just need to find a replacement. Now, will you please just be happy? We've won!"

Harry sits down in his seat, mount gaping. "Why am I always so surprised when you outsmart people?"

"Because you underestimate me." replies Franklin, smiling. "But don't worry, we'll keep working, I even think that I can get him to support me in the big reelection bid."

"That would be a feat. But are you sure? About another term?"

"Of course I am. This country will enter the war. I don't want to, but we will. One thing will trigger another and after that it's just a matter of time. American men will die for the cause. I hate to say it, but it's true. And I want to help the American people through it. They trust me, I helped lift them out of a depression! I will help lift them out for this war. Hopefully with you at my side, as a close advisor."

Harry sighs, and smiles, "Well then, let's talk about the German invasion of the Netherlands."

London and Hyannis Port, 1940

"That damn Harry Hopkins!" Joe Sr. screams in into the telephone so loudly that Joe Jr. jumps on the other end.

"Whoa, Dad, calm down. What's wrong?"

Hearing this, the entire family comes into the living room to watch Joe Jr. talk to Joe Sr., all of them worried.

"It's official, son. I'm sacked."

Joe Jr. runs his hand through his hair, "Jesus Dad, I'm sorry."

"Harry Hopkins has hated me from the beginning. And now he's thick as thieves with Roosevelt, there's no doubt he helped make the decision. How could I have been so stupid? I knew Roosevelt supported Churchill but I was so sure..."

"That since you had contributed so much to Roosevelt's campaign he couldn't possibly fire you?"

Joe Sr. is silent for a moment, the replies, "Yes."

Joe Jr. sighs and hangs up the phone. He turns to the family, "He's sacked." The family's faces fall.

"Poor Papa." says Kathleen.

Joe Jr. sighs, "I think it's time we all realize that money won't protect us. From anything."

December 7th, 1941 — Hyannis Port

Jack and Joe Jr. walk down the beach, discussing the growing tensions and the war. Joe Sr. was home now and had endorsed Roosevelt for a third term, much to his own displeasure and Joe Jr. had joined the Naval Reserve in June, again to Joe Sr.'s displeasure. Jack appreciates the beauty of the beach. There's a light fog only three feet high and the clouds are gray, but non-threatening, and rain is expected for later. Suddenly they see Bobby running down the beach:

"Jack! Joe! We're at war! We're at war!"

Jack and Joe Jr. look over and jog over to meet Bobby.

When they reach him Jack asks, "What?"

Bobby sighs, panting, "The Japanese have bombed Pearl Harbor! We're going to war!"

Bobby runs off again and Jack and Joe Jr. run behind him. As they reach the house they see Joe Sr. walk onto the porch, and they stop. The two brothers look at their father, hoping for a sign that Bobby's mistaken, but Joe Sr. nods his head slowly.

Let the fight begin...

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