Chapter Sixteen - When It's All Said And Done

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Washington D.C., January 1952

Jack watched from one of the many rows of seats in the Senate hearing room as Bobby aggressively took notes as Senator Joe McCarthy questioned a suspected communist.

He enjoyed his brother's passion for the job.

Bobby looked up from his notes and saw Jack staring at him. He winked and Jack suppressed a laugh. That was one of the best things about Bobby, that constant playfulness amidst the seriousness of it all.

Jack hadn't caught the urge to catch communists as much as Bobby had. He was enjoying the senate, but Bobby liked action, not stuffy offices and papers.

Eventually, the hearing ended and Bobby was able to leave for lunch. Jack patted his brother on the back when he reached him. "Great job taking notes, I don't know how they could survive without you."

Bobby smirked, he enjoyed Jack's teasing attitude, "I happen to do some very important work for these hearings. I came up with half of those questions."

This was a pleasant surprise for Jack. He knew that Bobby was clever, but not that clever. "Really?"

Bobby nodded, "Yeah, I enjoy it. This is essential to keep the country safe."

Jack took that in, pretty dubious himself. Bobby had always tended to see the world in a black and white view, but his opinions were ever changing.

Everything except loyalty to his family came and went within a few moments, because that was Bobby, always developing his ideals.

"So how do you feel?" inquired Bobby, "About getting married in a few months?"

Jack smiled, "Strangely calm."

"You'll just love marriage, Jack. It's so much easier than the chase."

Jack smirked, as this was the one core difference between himself and Bobby. Bobby liked certainty, to be with one woman and raise a family. He liked the predictability of a life he could mold for himself.

But Jack? He loved the chase, the idea that no girl was too certain. He hated that idea of the perfect suburban life complimented by two children and a nine 'o' clock bedtime. It all seemed so... suffocating.

St. Mary's Church, Newport, Rhode Island
September 12th, 1953

Jack stood in front of the mirror, trying to adjust his tie but never getting it quite right. His hands were shaking and he was breathing heavily. He knew that he shouldn't be feeling this nervous, he knew it.

Bobby walked into the room, and, seeing Jack fidgeting with his tie, adjusted it for him. "It's okay to feel nervous, Jack. I did, too."

"I think you felt a different kind of nervous." Jack replied, moving to sit down on the sofa. He put his face in his hands and groaned. "Oh Bobby, what if I can't do it?"

Bobby looked over at his brother, "What?"

Jack looked up, rubbing his temples, "What if I can't be a good husband? What if I end up cheating like Dad?"

Bobby went and sat by his brother, "Jack, I want you to listen to me. You are not our father. He made his own choices, choices I know that you could never make, ever. This is your life, not a repetition of his."

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