A/N: I'm Sorry

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Hey guys it's me. I'm sorry I haven't wrote anything in a long time... Things have been complicated and it's been hard. I haven't been on and I haven't seen how many reads this fan fic got until now. I kept saying I'll be able to write again but I never managed to find time and when I did I had writers block. I have a couple of chapters in writing but I've decided to fix them so they'll be better.
I read through all the comments and I've seen things where I don't know the difference between certain parts. I get it. Before I was a good writer and I never really wrote lemons before so I was inexperienced which caused me to become sloppy in all the sex scenes. I'm sorry if I disappointed anyone who was expecting this to be a beautifully detailed fan fic.
I get I haven't been paying attention to the book and I've even had some people message me on when I'll be back and where've been. I'll probably post a few more then stop. It's hard to write different scenes and I never have time to anymore. I know it seems like I'm just making excuses and just ranting but it's true. If you've been reading this long I thank you for caring. Although I doubt anyone is anyways and that's okay.
I'll apologize once more and I promise the next chapter will be very detailed, will have the right labels, and will not be sloppy at all. I'll be the best writer you all want me to be! And I hope you guys don't hate me for not updating.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2017 ⏰

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