"Hello Dork"

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An Unemployment Agency was a nightmare to the former pre-med student.

Edd sat in the old plastic chair looking down at the unemployment application in his hands. Biting his lip he felt the need to cry making creases in the paper with his thumbs. 


'Calm yourself Eddward. Crying don't help you now.'

Edd figures if he can get a job that pays well maybe go back to school. For now he tried to focus his attention else where.

Looking around he saw a small play area in the far corner of the building where he could see building blocks, coloring books, and play dough. Ugh. The unsanitary play area was probably- NO- defiantly covered in all sorts of germs and bacteria. He thought to himself the children were unsanitary creatures as one pudge boy was chewing on a building block. He turned away when another kid picked up the same block as if nothing happened.

Taking a breath, trying not to puke, he thought about his graduation when he left Peach Creak to pursuit his medical degree for a surgeon. His closes friends sent him away with a party rather than his parents. Like usual they left a note on the fridge saying only a few words "study hard'.  

He was able to graduate with his high school diploma a year early with extra credits for collage.  All his teachers and professors called him "a genius beyond measure" and he truly believed he was destined for great things. Now he was in a "Germ Hell" called the unemployment agency. He resisted the impulse to straighten out the pile of old magazines on the tables. He almost puked when a older man-

"Eddward Vincent...please come to the #3 window." Edd sighed in relief as his name was called.

He gathered his things and headed to the window he was assigned. When he got there he saw a slightly sweaty woman near Edd's estimate of 40 or more years old. Her red hair was up in a messy bun. Edd couldn't help but look at nearly chaotic sense of organization of her desk. The name plate said she was "Ms. Harper" a tired redhead who looked frustrated with anyone who came into her office.

"So...Mr. Vincent".  She said rubbing her eyes." It appears that you have 5 years of medical education. No degree. You have absolutely NO work experience in your life. Why are you applying for unemployment?"

"U-Um. Well you see Ms. Harper the scholarship was offered to me by my parents who were the Heads of Medical Research and Practice Center.  They stole my savings and identity for their own selfish purposes. For some reason they left me unable to continue my last year of medical training. I used whatever money I saved to pay their depts off but now I'm broke and backed up on rent."

Ms. Harper looked past her small reading glasses at the small male. She heard sob stories like that all day and just moved on to the next question. Looking at the young man again he didn't look particularly strong to handle manual labor. The boy could be a cute host if he didn't wear that beanie or have that gap.

"Uh-huh. Well do you have any particular skills or talents?"

"I'm only 23 years old and have extraordinary organizing skills and have a above standard cleaning regimen . I am an a self taught chef and can make food with necessary nutritional value. My training in basic medical aid can-".


Ms. Harper didn't bother to say anything to him and answered the phone cutting him off. The sound of her phone make him jump slightly. Ms. Harper looked at the number looking annoyed as if she expected it to happen. 

"I'm sorry sir. I'm terribly sorry about this. This person wouldn't call unless it was an emergency. Would you mind?" She didn't sound sorry Edd noted.

"N-Not at all. Please take your time."

"Hello this is Harper from the unemployment agency. How may I help you." Edd could hear a loud angry voice from where he was sitting as Ms. Harper held the phone away from her ear. The older woman had no expression on her face and started typing on her computer.

Eddward was never one to listen to another's conversation but the woman across of him appeared to be in a heated conversation with another woman. He could hear faint curse words and banging from the other side of the phone call. Ms. Harper looked about to break the phone in her hand but contained herself.

"Sigh~. But Miss Rebecca can you please stay until I can-[more yelling]- Cleaning up after a party can't be that-[LOUDER YELLING]... I know he's an ass but can you please hold out till I can find a replace-"

Edd who was still listening to half of the conversation was suddenly looked at. The feeling of uneasiness overcame him. Ms. Harper whispered something to the woman and he heard a "thank god" when she was told she could be replaced?

"Hey kid," This woman was not meant for smiles." You don't have a place to go after this right...and your good at cleaning and cooking? How are you with demanding assholes?"

This red haired devil now started to snicker (darkly if I may add) to herself. Edd remembered that his childhood friend Eddy was the most aggravating with his pointless scams.

"N-No I don't have anywhere and good I guess. I-I'm sorry but what is it that I'm going to be doing?

"Congratulations kid. You going to be live'in maid for a top executive honey!! You will get paid to cook, clean, and your a guy so he won't hit on you! "

This woman giving him no chance to ask any further questions gave him an address in Uptown New York. She just kept smiling as he left her small cubical of an office.


The building was at least 100 stories high. A fancy doorman opened the front door welcoming him to a lavishly expensive apartment complex. Deep red carpet and lavishly spacious lobby was a dream to walk into.

Even with his medical degree he felt out of place walking into a fancy complex like this. Fish tank sand soft gold carpets were a thing out of a renaissance painting. All staff was dressed in identical uniform compared to his regular pants and orange shirt. He could never afford something like this!

There was sparkling chandeliers hanging above his head. A small Orchestra playing from the dining room far past the front desk and double doors. He hopes and prays that whoever his employer is doesn't that they don't fire him for dressing so casually.

Right now he's wearing his black beanie and orange shirt. He didn't wear his blue khakis anymore but still wore blue jeans instead.

Miss Harper did say that he had an uh...unpleasant personality and often made impossible demands. Then again his friend Eddy also matched that description and they still got along well.

Edd no longer able to stall himself made his way to the 45th floor of the building dragging his things along the way. He found room 36 B down the long hall and knocked on the door hesitantly. From inside he could hear a voice telling him to-

"Come in"

Edd stopped.

Oh god did he recognize that voice. A particular bully from high school they hounded him daily in childhood had that voice. Edd didn't believe that Kevin Barr would actually become anything more than a pro football player or fast food cook.

He was surprised and impressed how far Kevin pushed his expectations.

Opening the door his expectations furthered even more.

Kevin's orange hair was not covered with his cap anymore but now I clean haircut. He looks more mature than he remembered and actually wore suits instead of his green shirt and black shorts.

He was in every meaning gorgeous to the eyes. Ed felt his cheeks slightly burn as his attraction of his old bully burn once again. Kevin sat there in his black leather recliner and smirked at him.

"Hello Dork"

What did he get himself into??


Sorry for the trouble but it saddly erased . I republished it though.
Any suggestions?

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